ROH Ring Of Honor
Photo Credit: Bill Pritchard

ROH Wrestling Results (3/9/20): Nick Aldis & RUSH vs. PCO & Marty Scurll

ROH Wrestling Results 

Aired March 9, 2019 

Report by Colin Tessier for

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The show starts with a video package recapping the feud between Marty Scurll and Nick Aldis and how RUSH got involved in it.

Quinn McKay welcomes viewers to the show and previews the show.

Rey Horus vs. Brody King (replayed from ROH Free Enterprise)

Horus counters King’s power with speed and hits him with  hurricanrana. King clotheslines Horus and tosses him across the ring. Horus takes King down with a dropkick and hits a slingshot dropkick. A hurricanrana and a dive to the outside give Horus momentum. King clotheslines Horus and hits him with a piledriver. Horus hits King with a tornado DDT. King plants Horus with a Gonzo Bomb for the win.

Winner: Brody King

Two video packages hypes up ROH Past vs. Present.

Brian Zane looks at some of the most unlikely tag teams in Ring of Honor history, including Rhett Titus’ team with Charlie Haas.

Another video package hypes up Matt Sydal’s return at ROH Past vs. Present.

Backstage, RUSH says Kenny King and Dragon Lee are his brothers. King says Nick Aldis is useless, and RUSH doesn’t need him. RUSH vows to make ROH his empire.

ROH Wrestling Results continue on the next page!