LA Park
Photo Credit: MLW

MLW Fusion Recap: Los Parks Return To Face CONTRA In Promotion’s First-Ever Lumberjack Match

MLW Fusion takes off in Philadelphia and we are greeted by the CONTRA Unit feed. They may be in Philly, but Ikuro Kwon is in Japan. Josef Samael notes that Kwon is the one who trained the Sentai Death Squad, who have unleashed fear and punishment on the MLW locker room. Samael states that they are ready to do the same tonight to Los Parks as LA Park makes his notable return to Major League Wrestling since being defeated by Jacob Fatu at SuperFight.

We see AJ Kirsch standing in the center of the ring, ready to introduce Mance Warner to the raucous Philly crowd in the 2300 Arena, but instead is greeted by the presence of The Dynasty. Richard Holliday, who claims himself to be the Caribbean Champion (he actually stole the belt from Savio Vega), fires up an impromptu “Rich Talk” in which he praises Alexander Hammerstone for his unstoppable run as National Openweight Champion. Hammer says no woman in the former ECW Arena will ever be deserving to climb the peaks of “muscle mountain” and then goes to hand it over to Gino Medina so he can brag about his treachery on his former mentor, Konnan. That prompts the legend to come out as the crowd shows their support.

Konnan runs down Richard’s “Dick Talk” before taking Medina to task for his actions. Hammer comes sliding into the ring with a steel chair. All Konnan has is his flapjack, but the numbers game remains three to one. Hold up! Out comes Mancer, but he’s brought Vega and the big man, Logan Creed. Mance wants to tear this “son of a bitch up” in a six man tag. Holliday climbs out and so does Gino, but the Bucksnort Brawler pushes the buttons of Hammer, calling him a “punk ass bitch.” Hammer goes on the attack and the bell rings.

Match 1
The Dynasty (Richard Holliday, Gino Medina & Alexander Hammerstone) vs. Mance Warner, Logan Creed & Savio Vega

Chaos commences the opening bout as all six men brawl in and outside of the ring.

Hammer soon tries to deliver a bicycle kick to Creed, but the monster is unphased. Hammer and Medina try to double team him but Creed slaps an airborne Medina down hard.

Dynasty soon gets the upperhand and cut the ring off for the big man. The trio begin to trade tags to try and chop Creed down to size. Hammer powers Creed over for a German suplex, but Creed pops right back up and lariats Hammer down.

Savio gets the tag and comes firing off on Richard Holliday. Creed makes sure the odds are even with a double chokeslam onto Medina and Hammer.

Mance lays into Hammer and charges at him in the corner, but Warner’s shoulder smacks off the steel ring post. Hammer and Medina are on the outside but that doesn’t stop Creed from leaping onto the two with a tope!

As this happens however, Vega is trying to get Holliday back in the ring, but Rich hits the legend hard with the belt and gets the 1-2-3 tainted victory.

WINNERS: The Dynasty

Post match, Gino gets a flapjack to the back by Konnan which opens up the door for Mancer to break open a case of Bud Lights for a bit of a beer bash.

Konnan finds himself alone in the ring, but out comes Injustice. Jordan Oliver has no respect for his elders as he tries to run down Konnan’s age, but Konnan tells Oliver that it sounds like he hasn’t hit puberty yet. We get a tiger snarl over the audio system and out comes Brian Pillman, but with a friend of his own: a steel chair!

He causes the trio to scatter and the two exchange a fist bump. Myron Reed wants to get a hold of the 2019 PWI Rookie Of The Yea but Brian casually sits over at commentary, unintimidated.

Match 2
Injustice (Kotto Brazil & Jordan Oliver) vs. Laredo Kid & Zenshi

Philly is all for Laredo and Zenshi and so is Pillman who has high praise for the young talent. The praise becomes visually evident as both Laredo and Zenshi take it to Injustice in (and outside) the ring.

One crisp falcon arrow by Laredo which was followed up by a springboard senton for a near fall. Injustice soon finds a window to take advantage and wishbone Laredo off the corner steel post. Oliver makes the most of it as he book ends Laredo down and rolls into a leg drop for a two count.

Injustice displays their great cohesiveness as Kotto has Laredo’s head scissored in the corner allowing Oliver to leap off with a double stomp on top of the cranium.

Laredo, however, still shows fight and slaps Oliver away to tag in a very spry Zenshi who catches Kotto off-guard with a handspring back leg in the corner.

Zenshi and Laredo have some chemistry of their own. Even Zenshi shows his multi-tasking ability at handling both members of Injustice, but that only lasts so long.

Kotto catches him with a crucifix and then Oliver springboards off to hit the prone luchadore with a cutter, allowing Kotto to roll him up for the crucifix pin.

WINNERS: Injustice

Post-match, Laredo comes leaping off onto Injustice who is smack-talking Pillman at ringside.

Reed runs in the ring with a steel chair as Laredo checks on Zenshi, but LK catches him and hits his patented White Noise. He gets the visual pinfall on the MLW Middleweight Champion!

Alicia Atout had an interview earlier in the day with Tom Lawlor, Dominic Garrini and Erick Stevens. She asks Lawlor about the riot caused in Dallas last week. “It was honestly probably the best thing that’s happened to the state of Texas, yeah, in it’s entire history,” Lawlor said.

“I don’t like Texas,” says Stevens. He also doesn’t like Texas tea, Texas toast and Walker Texas Ranger, but he specifically doesn’t like The Von Erichs. Lawlor thinks that they didn’t do enough to desecrate the state flag. Atout asks for clarity on Stevens’ allegiance to Team Filthy and Lawlor states that he is a mercenary, but fortunately for Team Filthy, he sees eye-to-eye with them, particularly in that hatred for the Von Erich boys who are “all hat, no cattle.”

Myron Reed claims that Brian Pillman hasn’t made Middleweight weight, and they’ll be ringside for his match against Jimmy Havoc next week.

Speaking of Havoc, he’s got some choice words for Pillman: “Your crash is coming and I’m going to be the one who instigates it.”

Atout, ever the journalist, gets both sides of the story as she catches up with Von Erichs to get their thoughts on Team Filthy’s actions last week. Ross and Marshall are not pleased as the Texas flag is sacred and you don’t mess with VE Nation. “At the end of the day, there’s a reckoning coming for you and your boys,” states Marshall.

Main Event
Lumberjack Match
CONTRA Unit (Josef Samael & Simon Gotch) vs. Los Parks

The match starts off unfairly as CONTRA attacks Los Parks from behind as both Gotch and Samael are quick to wield chairs against LA Park and his son.

Gotch and Samael set their sights onto LA Park as there is a diverse group of talent standing ringside waiting for any discrepancies on outside.

Very loud “LA Park” chants are heard throughout the 2300 as Park flips both opponents the bird. The crowd charges the father and son tandem up enough to double dropkick CONTRA out of the ring, but not for long obviously!

Chairs are utilized and El Hijo takes to the skies for a spot-on crossbody onto Gotch. El Hijo continues to lay into Gotch, but Samael always has evil up his sleeve as he stabs the son in the head with a spike! Gotch gets a close fall .

Samael gets his chance to go on the attack and stomps away on El Hijo. He soon tumbles onto the outside and Injustice saunter over to enact some violence but Vega and Zenshi are sure to get him back into the match safely.

The lumberjacks size one another up as El Hijo makes the tag to his father. LA Park comes in full of energy and makes the most of it with a spear to Samael!

El Hijo has hold of the spike and pops Samael with it again before moonsaulting onto the masses outside.

LA Park comes cannonballing off the top rope with a twisting senton to get the pinfall victory on MLW’s most dangerous faction!

WINNERS: Los Parks

What a victory for Los Parks and a feather in the cap for Promociones Dorado!

Next week is the 100th episode of MLW Fusion and be prepared because Jacob Fatu will be defending his MLW World Heavyweight Championship against CIMA!

These results were written by @DOMINICDEANGELO but are COURTESY OF MLW.COM. Watch the full episode of  this week’s MLW Fusion below:

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