IMPACT Wrestling Results

IMPACT Wrestling Results (2/25/20)

Report By Lovell Porter for

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RVD vs. Daga

After Daga takes control, RVD decides to take a walk and is counted out.

Winner- Daga

Rohit Raju (w/ Mahabali Shera & Gamma Singh) vs. Wentz (w/ The Rascalz)

Raju pins Wentz after a double stomp.

Winner- Rohit Raju

Backstage, Ace Austin complains that his title is on the line and Tessa Blanchard’s isn’t.

Backstage, what’s left of oVe laments the fact that Sami Callihan is missing. They are going to keep up their fight for Ohio and by Ohio.

Knockouts Championship Match: Jordynne Grace (c) vs. Miranda Alize w/Madison Rayne

Alize slaps Grace instead of giving her a clean break Grace decks Alize. Alize surprises Grace with a few rannas. Grace suplexes Alize. Grace lands a basement elbow in the corner. Vader bomb by Grace for a near fall. Grace sets up the Grace Driver. Alize escapes and lands a cutter. Grace responds with another Grace Driver attempt that she nails for the win.

Winner and STILL Knockouts Champion, Jordynne Grace!

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