Photo credit should read TOLGA AKMEN/AFP/Getty Images

Hellboy Climbs Into The Ring In September For All Japan Pro-Wrestling

Japan has a long history of combining movie promotion and professional wrestling. Who could ever forget the time Wrestle Kingdom stopped for ten minutes for a Doraemon stage show? All Japan Pro-Wrestling will be getting in on the action by bringing comic book character Hellboy into the ring to promote his latest movie’s home video release. Mike Mignola’s famous creation will team with Jake Lee and Koji Iwamoto against Takao Omori, Black Menso~Re and Hokuto Omori at the upcoming September 3rd AJPW show.


As noted in the tweet above, Hellboy already has his wrestling statistics set and ready to go. It’s fitting that the stone-fisted warrior hails from the pits of Hell. We’ll just have to see if any demonic powers come into play when he takes on mere mortal wrestlers this September.

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