Source: New Japan Pro-Wrestling

Best of Super Juniors: B Block Finals (6/3)

FIFTH MATCH: Ren Narita (0) vs. BUSHI (10)

BUSHI pinned Ren Narita via MX. (9:08)


SIXTH MATCH: Rocky Romero (6) vs. Bandido (8)

Bandido pinned Rocky Romero via 21-Plex. (11:30)

WINNER: Bandido (10pts)

SEVENTH MATCH: Yoh (10) vs. Robbie Eagles (10)

Yoh pinned Robbie Eagles via Dragon Suplex. (11:45)

WINNER: Yoh (12pts)

EIGHTH MATCH: El Phantasmo (10) vs. Douki (2)

El Phantasmo pinned Douki via CR II. (13:13)

WINNER: El Phantasmo (12pts)

MAIN EVENT: WINNER ADVANCES TO BOSJ FINALS: Will Ospreay (12) vs. Ryusuke Taguchi (12)

Test of strength to start. Taguchi goes for the ankle, but Will uses it to get top control. Taguchi counters with a side headlock. Ospreay counters with a hammerlock and takes Taguchi to the mat. Taguchi locks in a leglock. Ospreay and Taguchi wrestle to the ropes. Ospreay breaks clean.

They lock up. They trade holds. Both men run the ropes. Taguchi hits a hip attack. Ospreay rolls to the outside. Taguchi feigns a dive. Ospreay gets back in the ring. Taguchi hits a sliding dropkick. Taguchi maintains dominance. Taguchi chops away on Ospreay. Ospreay fights back. Ospreay dominates with vicious chops. Taguchi hits a dropkick to the knee. Taguchi chops away on Ospreay. Ospreay sends Taguchi to the outside. Ospreay hits a pescado.

Ospreay punishes Taguchi at ringside. Ospreay drives Taguchi’s back into the apron. Ospreay rolls Taguchi back in the ring. Ospreay hits a backbreaker. Ospreay covers for two.

Ospreay manipulates Taguchi’s shoulders. Ospreay chops away at Taguchi’s chest. They trade blows. Ospreay counters a hip attack with an atomic drop. Taguchi counters a sunset flip, but Ospreay dodges a hip drop. Ospreay hits a series of hip attacks. Taguchi hits a hip attack. Taguchi hits Three Amigos. Taguchi hits a sliding dropkick. Ospreay rolls out of the ring. Taguchi hits a plancha.

Ospreay gets back in the ring. Taguchi hits a springboard hip attack. Taguchi covers for two. Taguchi hits a series of hip attacks. Ospreay fights back with a chop. Ospreay hits a handspring rebound enzuigiri. Ospreay corners Taguchi. Taguchi dodges a shotgun dropkick. Taguchi locks in a rope-assisted ankle lock. Ospreay falls out of the ring. Ospreay blocks a suicide dive with an uppercut. Ospreay hits a Corkscrew Moonsault to the floor. Ospreay gets Taguchi back in the ring. Ospreay hits Pip Pip Cheerio. Ospreay covers for two.

Taguchi hits a low dropkick. Taguchi hits a gourdbuster. Ospreay counters Bomaye Hip Attack. Ospreay counters Dodon wit ha rollup for two. Taguchi hits a Bomaye hip attack. They trade blows. Taguchi punches Ospreay in the gut. Ospreay counters Dodon. Taguchi hits a Tiger Suplex. Taguchi covers for two.

Ospreay hits Marafuji Kick. Taguchi blocks Stormbreaker. Taguchi locks in an Ankle Lock. Ospreay counters with a powerbomb. Taguchi counters Osscutter with an Ankle Lock. Taguchi transitions to Dodon. Taguchi covers for two.

Taguchi locks in an Ankle Lock. Ospreay fights out. Ospreay hits a standing Spanish Fly. Ospreay covers for two. Ospreay climbs to the top rope. Ospreay hits a Shooting Star Press. Ospreay covers for two.

Ospreay hits a headkick. Ospreay hits Marafuji Kick. Ospreay hits Stormbreaker for the pinfall in 22:18.

WINNER: Will Ospreay (14 pts)

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