WWE RAW Results

WWE RAW Results (3/25/19)

In Ring Segment: Seth Rollins

Rollins says he wants the pressure that comes with being champion. Rollins wants to inspire people, like all of the great former champions. Lesnar doesn’t inspire anyone. Rollins says with an army behind him he is unstoppable. Paul Heyman interrupts. Heyman thanks Rollins for letting him know that the match at WrestleMania will be a handicap match. It will be Brock Lesnar vs. Seth Rollins and the entire WWE Universe. Heyman says he likes those odds. Heyman says Rollins is just like everyone else in this generation. Rollins will be asking for “thoughts and prayers” next. Heyman tells Rollins that he is going to be beaten and victimized at WrestleMania. At that point, Rollins will need their thoughts and prays. Heyman tries to leave but Rollins chases him up the ramp. Heyman falls and begs for his life. Rollins says Heyman was wrong. Rollins doesn’t need thoughts and prays. Rollins is here to answer them. Kurt Angle makes his entrance as Heyman is still sitting on the stage. Angle laughs at Heyman and walks down to the ring.

Samoa Joe vs. Kurt Angle

Joe says he is looking forward to putting Angle to sleep one last time. Joe headbutts Angle (call back to Angle’s debut in TNA). Joe tosses Angle into the corner. Joe sends Angle to the outside. Suicide dive by Joe. After the break, Joe pounds on Angle in the corner. Joe misses a clothesline. Angle lands three German suplexes. Joe kicks out. Joe counters the Angle Slam. Running senton by Joe. Angle kicks out. Angle side steps Joe and hits the Angle Slam! Joe kicks out. Joe avoids the Ankle Lock. Snapping powerslam by Joe. Angle kicks out. Joe tries to set up the Muscle Buster. Angle manages to hit a missile dropkick. Joe puts Angle in the Coquina Clutch. Angle rolls into a pin for the win!

Winner- Kurt Angle

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