WWE SmackDown Results wade barrett corey graves

WWE SmackDown Results (9/9/22)

WWE SmackDown Results
September 9, 2022
Report by Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

Check out last week’s coverage: WWE SmackDown Results (9/2/22)

IMPERIUM vs. The Brawling Brutes

Kaiser blasts Holland with a European uppercut. Vinci tags in and gets blasted with a butterfly suplex/head kick combo by Butch and Holland. Butch snaps Vinci’s fingers. Gunther tags in and obliterates Butch with a chop. Sheamus tags in and Gunther begs him to bring it. Sheamus is staring a hole through Gunther. After the break, IMPERIUM takes turns working over Holland. Holland manages to tag in Butch. Butch clears the ring.

Snap German suplex by Butch. Vinci kicks out after a head kick. Gunther cheap shots Butch, which brings Sheamus over to that side of the ring. Vinci floors Butch with a lariat. After the break, Gunther traps Butch in a Boston Crab. Gunther transitions into a crossface. Butch goes after Gunther’s fingers. Gunther drops Butch with a thunderous slam.

Gunther and Co work over Butch. Butch tags in Sheamus. Sheamus clears the ring. Sheamus hits white noise on Vinci on top of Kaiser. Vinci saves Kaiser from a Brogue Kick. Sheamus and Gunther trade shots. Everyone else trades shots as well. Kaiser lands awkwardly on his knee after a back-body drop. Kaiser and Vinci hit the IMPERIUM Bomb for the win.


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