WWE RAW Results

WWE RAW Results (3/25/19)

March 25, 2019
Report by Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

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Last Week’s Monday Night Raw Results

In Ring Segment: Ronda Rousey

Rousey is drowned out by a loud “we want Becky” chant. Rousey says for the first time ever women will be main eventing WrestleMania. Rousey says she only has one thing to say: you’re welcome. Rousey starts to walk away but turns around and heads back to the center of the ring. Rousey promises to tap out Flair and Lynch at the same time. Rousey leaves and comes back again. Rousey says she doesn’t know what a “beat the clock challenge” is but its just another stupid gimmick. Lynch interrupts. Lynch tells Rousey that no one cared about Rousey until the Man came around. Lynch saved Rousey’s title reign. Lynch says this ends with Rousey’s title about Lynch’s head and Rousey’s skull beneath her foot. Charlotte Flair walks out and says the women are main eventing WrestleMania because of what Flair has been doing the last seven years.

Beat The Clock Challenge: Ronda Rousey vs. Sarah Logan

Logan runs away. After a distraction from the rest of the Riott Squad, Logan dropkicks Rousey. Logan puts Rousey in a modified cloverleaf. Rousey pulls herself up by the ropes and reverses the hold into a rope hang armbar. Rousey blasts Logan with a leaping elbow strike. Rousey puts Logan in the Armbar. Logan taps out at 1:25.

Winner- Ronda Rousey

Time to beat: 1:25

Beat The Clock Challenge: Charlotte Flair vs. Ruby Riott

Riott sends Flair out of the ring. Flair lands a backbreaker. Flair misses natural selection. Riott responds with a complete shot. As time ticks down, Flair puts Riott in the Figure Eight. Riott holds on until time expires.

Time to beat: 1:25

Beat The Clock Challenge: Liv Morgan vs. Becky Lynch

Flair boots Lynch in the face before the match starts. Morgan puts Lynch in a rear chin lock. Lynch escapes and almost locks in the DisArmHer. Morgan sends Lynch into the turnbuckle. Lynch rolls Morgan into the jackknife pin for the win with seven seconds to spare!

Winner- Becky Lynch

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