WWE RAW Results

WWE RAW Results (3/25/19)

Lio Rush isn’t dressed to wrestle tonight. Rush says he isn’t medically cleared to compete tonight. Lashley’s partner tonight will be Jinder Mahal.

Finn Bálor vs. Jinder Mahal and Bobby Lashley

Lashley tosses Bálor around the ring. Bálor boots Lashley in the face. The Singh Brothers and Rush all get involved. Lashley sends Bálor to the outside. After the break, Bálor fires up and sends Mahal and Lashley over the top. Bálor lands a dive onto everyone. Bálor lands the Coup de Grâs for the win! Bálor is now the number one contender for the Intercontinental championship.

Winner- Finn Bálor

After the match, Lashley beats up the Singh Brothers and Spears Mahal.

Aleister Black and Ricochet vs. The Revival

A huge brawl breaks out. Black launches Ricochet in the air and he dropkicks Dawson. Black takes out Wilder. After a distraction from Dawson, Wilder attacks Black. Dawson tags in and starts working over Black’s arm. Black surprises Dawson with a kick. Ricochet grazes the Revival with a triangle moonsault to the outside. Black dives off the apron and double stomps Dawson. After the break, the Revival and an assisted brainbuster. Ricochet kicks out. Ricochet manages to tag in Black, who takes out both Dawson and Wilder with a springboard moonsault. Black lands a flurry of strikes on Dawson. Sliding knee by Black. Dawson kicks out. Black misses the Black Mass. Dawson obliterates Black with a DDT. The Revival whips Black into the wrong corner. Black hits the Black Mass on Dawson and Wilder at the same time. Ricochet lands the 630 for the win.

Winners- Aleister Black and Ricochet

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