Impact Wrestling Results

Impact Wrestling Results (2/8/19)

Impact Wrestling Results
February 8th, 2018

Report By Lovell Porter for

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Willie Mack and Rich Swann vs oVe

As soon as the bell rings oVe attacks. Dave and Jake isolate Swann early while Mack is out on the floor. Swann manages to tag in Mack. Mack rannas Dave, then Jake. oVe retreats to the outside. Mack sentons over the top rope onto Dave and Jake. Swann follows that with a corkscrew splash to the outside. Jake gets into the ring. Jake tope into a tornado DDT out on the floor to Swann. Dave and Jake take turns working over Mack. Swann gets the hot tag. Swann takes Jake off the top rope with a ranna. Rolling swagger by Swann. Jake kicks out. Mack hits a double stunner on Dave and Jake Swann hits the ring and lands a handspring double stunner. Mack and Swann blast Dave with a rock bottom/cutter combo. Swann hits the 450 splash for the win.

Winners Willie Mack and Rich Swann

The world title match next week will now be a fatal four-way match. Johnny Impact will defend against Brian Cage, Moose, and Killer Kross.

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