Photo Credit: NWA

NWA 70 Preview: History And Tradition Bring Us To Nashville To Celebrate Wrestling’s Most Heralded Promotion


Tim Storm vs. Peter Avalon

It’s very appropriate that Tim Storm is on this card as he was the first Champion that the new NWA regime started the Ten Pounds Of Gold web series with. Storm and Avalon have been embroiled in a feud centered around respect and a difference in how each man chooses to carry himself. As you can see in the video above, the antics of Peter Avalon have pushed Tim Storm to snap in the past and the smart money says more of the same happens in Nashville Tennessee. Will the former NWA Champion be able to keep his composure? I think since he’s already been caught once by Avalon trying to do just that, this time, Tim Storm finishes the lesson in respect he set out to teach Peter Avalon in the first place gets a victory on this 70th Anniversary show.

Winner: Tim Storm

Laredo Kid vs. Barrett Brown

This should be a fantastic fast-paced match. If you’re unfamiliar with either one of these individuals, a quick search on YouTube will have your jaw on the floor with their unparalleled athleticism, especially Laredo. I think this would be a great palate cleanser match after one of the National Heavyweight Championship Four Corner Survival Matches. As good as Laredo Kid is I think Barrett Brown is the one to bet your money on as far as a likely huge name in the world of wrestling in the future.

Winner: Barrett Brown


Jax Dane and Crimson vs. The Kingdom Of Jocephus (Match Beyond Rules)

I feel it’s important for you to watch the video above before reading this. Jax Dane and Crimson will have Road Warrior Animal in their corner because a little bit of nostalgia is important on a 70th Anniversary show, and I wouldn’t be surprised at all to see both men in traditional Road Warrior face paint. Let’s talk about this match, it appears that these massive men may be in for a little intergender action. Jocephus, who is clearly a man that is convinced he is a messiah of sorts, has promised to bring two women to the ring. Hollywood & a woman he refers to as his spiritual advisor. Match Beyond Rules indicates that only submission or surrender can terminate the match and my guess is somebody turns on somebody here and the Kingdom of Jocephus walks out victorious.

Winners: The Kingdom Of Jocephus

NWA Women’s Championship Jazz (c) vs. Penelope Ford

It’s only fitting that during a month that features such heavy emphasis on the importance of women’s wrestling that we get the NWA Women’s Championship defended on this prestigious card. The video above will allow the people to get reacquainted with Jazz. The former WWE Women’s Champion and ECW Original seems like she’s still as tough as ever and won’t be making it easy on her opponent, Penelope Ford.

Penelope Ford is typically associated with Joey Janela. We saw her at All In holding her own against hangman Adam Page with some of the amazing athleticism. Well, this Sunday she gets the spotlight and she gets a chance to walk away NWA Women’s Champion. However, because this is the first real showcase for jazz as NWA Champion I don’t think that she will be losing it just yet. It’s hard to say because Penelope Ford, like all stars that were on the All In pay-per-view, is definitely a star on the rise, but I don’t think Jazz is ready to let go of that Women’s Championship just yet. This is a woman who tore the house down at WrestleMania 18 with Trish Stratus and Lita and I have the utmost faith in her and ring ability and I’m actually expecting this match to be a sleeper match to steal the show.

Winner And Still Champ: Jazz

NWA 70 Predictions Continue On The Next Page…