Jeff Cobb Shoots Down ROH Rumors, Talks Cryptic Tweets, Kurt Angle & Working w/ Matt Riddle

Jeff Cobb Shoots Down ROH Rumors, Talks Cryptic Tweets, Kurt Angle & Working w/ Matt Riddle

Jeff Cobb was a feature interview with Uproxx‘s Emily Pratt in which the recent PWG Battle Of Los Angeles Winner dismisses rumors of signing with ROH, talks the art of selling with an MMA background, working with Matt Riddle and gives some NJPW dream matches. You can read the entire interview by going here, but below are a few snippets:

Jeff Cobb dismisses rumors of signing with ROH:

Internet websites. Don’t get me started on that. Those guys were like, “Oh hey, Jeff Cobb signed with ROH?” Really, I did? I wish I would have known. That would’ve been great. But yeah, some people say I signed… When I called them out on it they said, “No, Dave Meltzer said you did.” I was like, “No, Dave Meltzer didn’t say I did. He said I’m working with them.” There’s a difference between working and signing with them.

On The Chosen Bros. & Matt Riddle:

I definitely wanted to do more with the Chosen Bros. Matt Riddle definitely wanted to do more with the Chosen Bros. The only thing is, promoters were afraid to book us together. Because realistically, I’m a former 2004 Olympic wrestler, Olympic athlete, Matt Riddle is a very accomplished amateur wrestler, an undefeated UFC fighter, and together we’re unstoppable, so promoters are afraid to put us together, because who could stop us, realistically, right? But PWG saw it, and we dominated the tag division for over a year, and we definitely would have, I think, if myself and Matt Riddle were paired up in the 2017 World Tag League we probably would have won it, and we probably would have won the IWGP Heavyweight tag belts at Wrestle Kingdom. But you never know. You can always play fantasy booking.

On if he’s looking to sign with a bigger company &  the “cryptic Tweet” craze:

Yeah, something definitely – Follow my Twitter, @RealJeffCobb, and I’ll be saying something soon, real soon… hence my recent twitter post of “#CrypticTweet.” Because everybody wants to do that, right? I didn’t put out one of those tweets that’s like, “Hey, I plan to make an impact somewhere doing some entertainment, perhaps with some honor that’s new.” I didn’t put that kind of cryptic tweet, but yeah, you’ll see me pop up somewhere, sign somewhere.

On adjusting with the transition of working MMA to building a character:

That was tough… When you’re doing like the quote-unquote shoot, amateur wrestling you’re taught not to show weakness because, like, if my arm hurts, and I’m in a match, the guy’s going to go after my arm, or if my calves are cramping up or whatever, they’re going to go after my weakness and exploit it. Same thing with UFC. If you punch someone in the eye and their eye swells you’re going to attack that side because they can’t see. So that’s the same thing, but on the tail end of that, in pro wrestling, if you’re, like, hurt, instead of toughing up and not showing the weakness you’re going to exploit it and be that much more over the top about my arm or my leg or whatnot, so that was definitely the hard part of the transition to pro wrestling… to the quote-unquote selling side of it was very foreign to me.

On the hypothetical of actually wrestling Kurt Angle:

He won a gold medal. I didn’t. I got tin.

RELATED: Impact Working On Negotiating A New Long-Term Deal With Top Tag Team

Excellent interview by Emily here. The MMA selling talk is real good stuff. Go out of your way to read the whole sha-bang (here’s your second chance).