When Will Kevin Owens Get a Championship Match, Who Dethrones Roman Reigns and Hall of Fame Headliners?

wwe hall of fame

Answer: Well, this is a loaded question because I think there are many Hall of Famers on the current roster. I am going to narrow it down to “headliners” of the Hall of Fame. First off, John Cena, Triple H, The Undertaker and Randy Orton are the four guys that have done so much for so long and deserve an incredible night on the weekend of WrestleMania. Another guy that would be on that list is Chris Jericho.

Out of all of these guys, WWE has such a deep talent pool of legit headliners. I can see The Undertaker being the first inducted, followed by Chris Jericho, Triple H, John Cena and Randy Orton. I do not expect them to be inducted for another few years, but when one does I think the rest follow pretty quickly. And, as for fun, I do think guys like Kane, Big Show, Mark Henry and Goldust will be nice second or third on Hall of Fame cards in the near future.


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