jeff hardy

Isenberg Reacts: Impact Wrestling “Super Star Power Returns In Time”

Jeff Hardy is Back

POP TV Impact WrestlingJeff Hardy comes out and interrupts the new TNA World Heavyweight Champion, EC3, and talks about wanting a shot at his title. Hardy is told he has to get to the back of the line and faces a young talent named Shyron. They exchange a few punches and reversals until Jeff hits a suplex and a Twist of Fate for the win.

I am glad to see Jeff Hardy back and seemingly healthy. TNA has certainly missed him in some major moments over the past 4-6 months.

I like that it seems TNA knows how much star power Jeff possesses, which means they will waste no time in getting him back into the fold of becoming a world champion. Also, If history repeats itself, we could easily have a feud between brothers and EC3. There is plenty of potential here.

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Awesome Kong Leads The Dollhouse

Awesome Kong is with her dollhouse and talks about Gail Kim. She wants to get what Gail has and gets interrupted by The Beautiful People. Madison and Velvet get involved and end up getting beaten down. A street fight occurs and Kong/Jade pick up the victory.

I am still not sure how to feel about Kong leading a stable right now. She is used so poorly right now. Why do they need to pair her up with women that were so afraid of her? What outcome are they looking for here? She is not a “team player” type of competitor and her unique look stands on its own. This spot could be used for someone new, someone like they did with Taryn who was constantly getting better and needed that last bump up.

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