jeff hardy

Isenberg Reacts: Impact Wrestling “Super Star Power Returns In Time”

Drew Galloway vs. Kurt Angle

impact wrestlingResults below via WZ Live Coverage:

Galloway with a shoulder block to Angle. Drew Galloway with a waist lock and knocks Angle down with another shoulder block. Angle suddenly pops Drew over with a big backdrop, but Galloway nearly tears his head off with a hard clothesline. Kurt Angle tosses Galloway with an overhead release suplex for a two count, then locks the big man down with a chin lock. Galloway unloads with big right hands, then they wipe each other out with a double clothesline. Galloway is hammering Angle with hard shots and a charging forearm in the corner. Galloway comes off the top with a clothesline, then sets up for the Claymore. Angle dodges and hits the rolling German suplexes and then hits the Hacker Slam for a two count. The straps come down and Angle gets the ankle lock, and Galloway is caught right in the middle of the ring. He rolls forward and sends Angle careening into the corner, but Angle quickly catches a backslide for a two count. Galloway quickly hits the Future Shock DDT, but Angle kicks out at two. Galloway goes for a running power slam, Angle slips out and goes for the ankle lock, but Galloway reverses to the Border City Stretch, and again has Angle right in the middle of the ring.

Angle tries to get to the ropes, Galloway drags him back to the middle, but breaks just long enough for Angle to catch the ankle lock again. Galloway rolls through again, and sends Angle tumbling to the floor. Galloway charges Angle and gets caught in an overhead release suplex, but Galloway crashes headfirst into the guardrail. Angle quickly capitalizes by dumping Galloway back into the ring and making a cover, but Galloway kicks out at two. Drew hits a jawbreaker and, despite a bad wheel, hits the Claymore and Angle kicks out at two. Galloway sets to hit it again, and he connects, but Angle kicks out again. Galloway puts Angle on the top rope, but Angle knocks Galloway down and hangs him in the Tree of Woe. Galloway sits up and suplexes Angle. Galloway and Angle go toe to toe in the middle of the ring. Galloway plows over Angle with another big clothesline, smacks his leg to bring it back to life, and charges and misses. Angle hits a Angle Slam, but Galloway kicks out at two again. Angle picks Galloway up, but Galloway knocks Angle into next week with a headbutt, heads back to the top rope, Angle runs over and connects with right hands, climbs up after him, and hits a super Angle Slam for the victory.

Drew Galloway is excellent. Kurt Angle, albeit not the fastest and smoothest guy in the game anymore, can still go. His athleticism and damage to his body amazes me. I am not sure if he is human or a legit machine that just need tweaks from time to time. It was a joy to see how crisp and how determined each guy was to win. Galloway has hit strides of consistently good matches in TNA and this was a great first match for Kurt’s farewell tour. Do I understand it? Of course not, but Angle can get and do what he wants. He has helped TNA for such a long time sinking down the bottom of the ocean. He can still go and this was a great match.

WZ 8

@JoshIsenberg4 on Twitter. Impact Wrestling Rating:

WZ 7


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