Title This: WWE Smackdown Reaction December 27th, 2013

The Undercard

wwe smackdown reactionLuke Harper and Erick Rowan defeated The Uso's in tag team action. WWE Smackdown reaction begins with these two impressive tag teams. Harper hit a massive right hand and a big boot onto Jimmy. Jey was back in the ring and hit a nice move off the top rope. He would get a quick kick to the face, but Rowan distracted him. Harper hit a clothesline and Rowan hit the splash for the win. This match needed to be much longer. It was rushed and really buried The Uso's from tag team championship competition. I really wanted to see these guys work longer and with more of a dramatic curve in the match. Bray hits Sister Abigail and the heels stand tall.

Grade: C

Cody Rhodes lost to Antonio Cesaro. I feel like it has been a while since Cody has been in single's action, so this was a nice change. You can only have so many tag team matches. The match started with both men trying to feel the other one out. Punch after punch, Cesaro was able to gain the upper hand by sending Rhodes to the outside. Cesaro unloads multiple punches and a European uppercut that translates into a beautiful suplex. Cesaro begins to pound away at Rhodes. Rhodes finally was able to battle back with a high knee and a few clotheslines. Cesaro steals the victory with a roll-up after a missed move from Rhodes. Does it seem like the champions are losing much more now than ever before?

Grade: B-

Prime Time Players defeated Rybaxel in a pretty entertaining match. I really liked how WWE gave the victory to the more talented "team." Ryback and Axel really beat down Young throughout the match until O'Neil came in to clean house. Ryback took Titus to the outside and then Young was able to roll-up Axel. This should tell you what WWE really thinks of Ryback and Curtis Axel right now. They are going to be paired together, but will they ever win championships as a team? For Prime Time Players, this is a nice win in the bigger picture of being a second tier tag team.

Grade: B-


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