Title This: WWE Raw Reaction September 16th, 2013

WWE RawThe Undercard

Dolph Ziggler defeated Dean Ambrose in a fantastic match. I wonder if WWE mixed up the script for this match from Sunday. With more time and more ability to build a climax in the ring, Ziggler and Ambrose put on a clinic. I am such a huge fan of how Ziggler is so smooth and aggressive at the same time. With the crowd behind him, Ziggler hit punch after punch and elbow drop after elbow drop onto Ambrose. Ambrose was able to slow things down with a headlock, but Ziggler continued to fight back. At the end of the match, Ziggler would try for a splash but take a nasty bump off the rope. As Ambrose set him up for his finisher, Ziggler reversed it and hit ZigZag for the victory. Both of these guys are great wrestlers. With three weeks to continue their feud, I would love to see Ambrose vs. Ziggler continue throughout the fall because this is getting more interest than the World Heavyweight Championship feud. Ziggler vs. Del Rio does not work, so this works for Ziggler to continue to build himself back up.

Grade: A-

Fandango defeated R-Truth in a quick bout. It was pretty simplistic and ended with a Legdrop from Fandango. He needs to be pushed as a face. He needs to become a guy that the fans can connect to. What can accomplish this? We need a heel that is really good at what he does. We need someone that we hate to hate and not love to hate. Fandango has potential and Summer Rae will do him wonders until he reaches that point of consistent relevance.

Grade: C+

Brie Bella, Naomi, and Cameron defeated Aksana, Layla, and Alicia Fox. With the continued focus on Natalya vs. AJ Lee, I wonder what the reason behind having neither of them compete tonight. Naomi and Cameron look so much better right now than before. They slightly repackaged them and Naomi's athleticism is going to carry her to the top of the Divas Division in the future. As for the others, we know what we are going to get from them. The verdict is out on all of them except Naomi. AJ Lee and Natalya should be an interesting feud if WWE wants to build one. AJ Lee and Natalya are both fans of the product. With different body types and styles, their chemistry in the ring could be surprisingly good. It is all about execution.

Grade: D

Rob Van Dam defeated Damien Sandow in a basic squash match. Sandow was able to get a few moves in on RVD, including a painful knee to RVD's body. RVD would fight out of a submission hold, kick Sandow to the corner, and hit his finisher for the victory. Plain and simple, Sandow has nothing going for him right now. Yes, the briefcase is there. Yes, he will become World Heavyweight Champion. He is losing to guys like Santino. That is what WWE currently thinks of him.

Grade: C-

The Uso's defeated Tons of Funk and The Real Americans to earn a shot at The Shield's WWE Tag Team Championships. We go back to July where they fought on a pre-show to a PPV. Yes, it looks like Prime Time Players will NOT get pushed to tag team glory. Does this shock anyone? It shouldn't. Give me fresh faces to challenge The Shield. I am not saying these teams are talented, but you can only bury a person or a team for so long until the crowd loses interest. They have done this with both teams for months.

Grade: C+