Stars In Progress: Brock/Cena, Tensai Down, Sheamus

First and foremost, thanks to those of you that have contributed to my album project. I know 99% of you couldn't care less about my music aspirations, but I'm exhausting every avenue possible to achieve the goal. Don't forget, Mick Foley and Billy Gunn have donated their time to the cause as well. You can support me and my project, plus receive a personal, recorded phone call from Foley or Gunn at the same time. If you're not interested in that, you can simply contribute $10 to the project. That small amount goes a long way, so again, thanks to all of you that support me.

And now, let's check out the stars and their progress this week:


I like Sheamus more as a heel. That's the simple truth, but I don't hate him as a good guy. The fans react to him and that's all you can ask for in your top babyfaces — especially the World Heavyweight Champion.

The biggest issue I have with him is not even his fault. Creative isn't giving him any way of creating chemistry with his opponents. Sure, the tag match this past week on Smackdown gave him and Daniel Bryan some interaction, but it's not enough.

Think back six to seven months ago until now. Squash matches, then a win at the Rumble, more squash matches, then nothing special between him and Bryan at WrestleMania, then Del Rio for a quick minute, and now Daniel Bryan again.

I really think Sheamus and Daniel Bryan could have a great, INTENSE feud, but WWE needs to invest more time and creativity in it.