Title This: WWE Smackdown Reaction 12-9-11

WWE SmackdownOpening Segment::

We start off Smackdown seeing Booker T being helped up after an attack from Cody Rhodes. We get a replay of what happened, and Rhodes is being escorted out of the arena by officials and security. Cody heads to the announcer's table to replace Booker. Lillian Garcia is back and talks about being back in the WWE. Rhodes interrupts her and says nobody missed her. He also says he will take Booker's spot at the announcer's table.

What I Liked:

A very different and interesting beginning to Smackdown. I really liked the realistic feel to this, as Rhodes needs to garner as much heat each week as possible. He continues to evolve his character, with a mask or no mask. Also, He gets cheap heat bashing Lillian as well, which never hurts his cause. With Rhodes taking the announcer's spot, it is a nice slap in the face of Booker, basically calling out how bad he really is behind the microphone.

What I Disliked:

I wanted more physicality and more aggression with the attack. There should have been something more than punches and kicks to attack Booker, maybe a chair shot. This makes it more heel-istic, having Rhodes be a heel who needs to use weapons to ground a legend.

Grade: B+

Wade Barrett vs. Ezekiel Jackson in a "Beat the Clock Challenge"

What I Liked:

This was a competitor that I realistically thought could challenge Barrett, even though we all knew Barrett would win. Jackson and Barrett are two strong and big athletes who have previous history to them. Barrett and Jackson worked well together, but nothing fantastic happened here. It was a basic slug fest type match. Barrett wins in 7:53, giving him enough time to carry the offensive load, face a little adversity, and finish Jackson with a sidewalk slam. I enjoyed the quick mic work from Barrett at the end, calling out Orton and saying he is in Orton's head. Clever promo

What I Disliked:

The Fall of Ezekiel Jackson. He was built up for so long, but torn down so quickly. I realize that Barrett is a much better superstar, complete and diverse, but Jackson can be a guy they build as a strong heel or even someone like Mark Henry. They buried him, and it shows that the future has nothing to do with Jackson.

Grade: C+


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