WWE SmackDown Results wade barrett corey graves

WWE SmackDown Results (12/9/22)

WWE SmackDown Results
December 9, 2022
Report by Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

Check out last week’s coverage: WWE SmackDown Results (12/2/22)

Undisputed WWE Tag Team Championship Match: The Usos (c) w/Sami Zayn and Solo Sikoa vs. Sheamus and Butch w/Ridge Holland

Jimmy and Sheamus lock up and end up tied up in the corner. Sheamus gives Jimmy a clean break. Sheamus floors Jimmy with a shoulder block. Jimmy rolls out of the ring to confer with his brother. Jimmy gets back in the ring and tries a hip toss. Sheamus blocks it. Jimmy tries again. Sheamus blocks it and levels Jimmy with a clothesline. Butch tags in and lands a Meteora. Jey tags in and eats a dropkick from Butch. After a blind tag, Jimmy and Jey stun gun Butch on the top rope. After the break, the Usos are working over Butch. Butch manages to tag in Sheamus. Sheamus clears the ring. Jimmy rolls out to the apron after eating a powerslam. Sheamus sets up the ten beats.

Jey tries to break it up but gets hung up on the ropes by Butch. Sheamus and Butch land the ten beats on Jimmy and Jey. Butch doesn’t stop after 10. He gets up to around 27. Jimmy goes up top and is cut off by Sheamus. Sheamus hit white noise off the second rope. Jimmy kicks out. After the break, Butch snaps Jey’s fingers. Jey surprises Butch with a pop up neck breaker. Sheamus crushes Jimmy with white noise on the apron. Sheamus turns around, and Jey wipes him out with a suicide dive. Butch catches both Usos with a triangle moonsault. Butch sends Jey back into the ring and hits a tornado DDT. Jey kicks out.

Check out last week’s coverage: WWE SmackDown Results (12/2/22)

The Usos catch Butch on the top rope. After a double strike, they set up the Super 1D. Sheamus pulls Jimmy out of the ring. Butch hits a Liger bomb. Jey kicks out. Sheamus tosses Jimmy with a Celtic cross as Butch hits a leaping neck breaker. Jey breaks up the pin. Sheamus sets up white noise. Sikoa distracts the referee while Zayn gets in the ring. Holland clothesline Zayn. Sikoa destroys Holland with Spinning Solo on the barricade. In the ring, Jimmy escapes Butch’s Bitter End. Jimmy and Jey hit the 1D for the win.

Winners and STILL Undisputed WWE Tag Team Champions, The Usos!

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