Become a Wrestlezone Columnist.

To all Wrestlezone Readers,

If you are interested in becoming a columnist at Wrestlezone, then join our Wrestlezone Wannabe Contest in the columns lounge of the Wrestlezone forums. A contest will be held over the next 4 months, with the winner being given a spot as a main page Wrestlezone columnist.

It is simple, enjoyable and generally a good time for all concerned, with the chance to chat with other people who enjoy wrestling as much as you do while giving your opinions in columns of your own which will be responded to by such Wrestlezone columnists as Not Just Another Fan John Wilson, Martin Daniels, Dougie Nunny, Double A, Rob Taylor and others.

Beginners are welcome and will be given encouragement throughout, with further contests to be held every 4 months afterwards, allowing you to work your way to the main page.

So check it out if you’re interested. If you would like to read the layout of the contest in full then go HERE and check it out.

Then get writing!

Thank You,
