Help Choose the next Wrestlezone Main Page Columnist

Hey there everyone.

Joe Pritchett, Wrestlezone Columns Admin here. Some of you may know that we recently concluded a “Wannabe” contest at Forums. This contest has a strong tradition at WZ and the most recent winner was Joey MacQueen. Look for his columns to appear here, on the main page!

But we need you’re help. The level of talent was so great this time around that we are having a special, One Column Bonus Round between the runner up and second runner up Tim Wronka and Tony Hudson.

All you have to do is visit the forums, read their columns posted for this round, and vote on what YOUR favorite column is of the two.

We need your help and participation.

Visit the following link to read and vote:

Please, join our Columns community, we need you. And if you’ve ever thought of being a columnist yourself, stick around because another Wannabe contest is just around the corner and your thoughts and opinions can be HERE on the main page of one of the hottest wrestling sites on the net!