The Fan’s Perspective: The Return of Sting, Steiner and Wipper!

Hello all you wrestling fans and welcome to another edition of The Fan’s Perspective! It has been many moons since The Original Fan has decided to write an editorial for you all but, I recently received an e-mail from one of my regular readers stating his concerns on how TNA was utilizing Sting.

So, that got me to thinking.

And then I continued to read the internet reports and it’s really funny listening to Steve Carrier or Dylan Jefferson or Matt Boone run down guys like Steiner and Sting. “Oh they’re past their prime and they shouldn’t be placed ahead of guys like Styles and Joe.” In all honesty, how did guys like Sting and Steiner become superstars? Well guys that were past their prime and still popular helped them get their. But internet reporters, sometimes referred to as morons, forget these things.

Many of you may be wondering about where I’m coming from and where cool little foreshadowing is this time. Well, I don’t see the need for it.

If you’re AJ Styles then you probably are aware that you are NOT the biggest guy of the bunch. You may be the best but you are not the biggest. And does AJ really have that superstar look? Not really…he’s kind of a generic looking guy. I wouldn’t call him ugly or good-looking. I’d say average. Does he have great charisma? No, that’s average. Is he a legitimate intimidator? No…I know guys on my town’s high school football team that are bigger than he is. In fact I am taller than he is by 3 inches. He just barely outweighs me. But, he’s an excellent professional wrestler. He’s someone I would label as a ‘new breed’.

Scott Steiner and Sting both realize that they are past their prime. They both realize that they have wrestled better matches. And I’m sure that they realize they used to look better as young colts than old, shriveled up shells of their former self. But, their name still draws attention. And in this business…name value is what draws the cash.

TNA may be using Sting in the wrong way. But let me beg the question…”HOW LONG CAN WE SEE STING PLAY THE CROW?” I think it got old in 1998 and that’s why he switched over to the Wolfpac Sting. Then to a Crow-look with a bad ass gimmick. Maybe Sting as Steve Borden formerly as Sting is a fresh layer of the giant iceberg of that man. If Sting is the new face of TNA then how can he be the same guy he was in WCW 7-15 years ago and be a “new face”? Answer that question and then get back to me.

As far as Scotty Steiner, who doesn’t want to see this guy in TNA? I mean I love the prospect of seeing the rebellious bastard in a ring with guys like Abyss or Joe. Because it means that more people will know of Abyss and Joe just by wrestling Big Poppa Pump. Name value rubs off. A perfect example of that would be Goldberg. He defeated so many “somebodies” that he became a superstar.

TNA is for ever evolving. Last year it was DDP, Rhodes, Nash, Hall, Savage and Piper acting as the veterans on a roster of ‘new-breeds’. This year it’s Steiner, Sting, Team 3D, Nash, Smiley, and Zybszko. Which group do you prefer?

Personally, I think TNA is headed all every right direction. It’s only 4 years old and being viewed by 1 million people a week. So using Sting and Steiner to build up a Styles or Riley doesn’t seem like such a bad idea to me. But…hey what do I know? I’m not any internet news reporter. I’m just a silly fan; calling it as I see it.

And So It Is Written And So It Shall Come To Be Known As The Fan’s Perspective!