Random Thoughts: Punk, The Best Wrestler In The Business, More

Note: Please excuse the following grammatical errors as I had to write this in a hurry. Also, I wrote this a couple of days ago, but couldn’t get it posted until today.

*it was funny to see everyone get so excited about cm punk winning the world title. but now i guess we realize that it’s still the same writers that have to tell the stories, so we could’ve only expected what we’re getting. what is the easiest way to bury a guy whose known for having good matches? stick him in there with guys that he’s not going to look good against right off the bat, which is what they did with punk. if you actually thought he was going to be given a chance and get a push, why wasn’t he wrestling jericho, shawn, or anyone that would give him a match we could remember? snitsky? then kane? i’m still confused as to what his character is supposed to be. he uses the mitb to basically steal the belt from edge, and then he just readily accepts a match against kane? oh, well. i would book him differently. i always thought he would be a better character if he had a split personality that was a drunk and a drug addict. then he would wrestle an invisible man and be attacked by martians afterwards.

*i read a few weeks ago on one of the sites that the “best wrestler in the business” had a dark match with the wwe. so i youtubed this guy and checked him out. no offense to him, but i didn’t think he was the “best wrestler in the business” from what i saw. he was decent for the style that he worked, but unfortunately that style caters to a very small niche audience. here’s a few of the problems.

most people watch professional wrestling because it’s professional wrestling. i would profess that there is zero chance that you’re going to draw from the mma crowd by doing fake mma. i think most mma fans would be more entertained by the disco inferno vs. the honkytonk man, because at least they know they’re watching a pro wrestling match and not some hybrid ridiculous let’s do the mma moves and pretend that the moves hurt and insult my intelligence style. wrestling fans pop more for mr. socko and the people’s elbow than they would for a fake guillotine choke hold.

the guy needs a gimmick. i’m sorry, but you can’t sell a plain joe to fans that want sports entertainment.

also, for as good as everyone says this guy is, tna has at least ten guys better. evrybody puts over these roh matches like they’re the greatest thing ever, but if you put aj and christian cage against the motor city machine guns for 25 minutes, and told them that you needed at least four stars, i’d bet my life that it would be better than anything roh has ever put out. once guys like aj and the mcmg’s got out of roh, look how much better they got. there’s something to say about the art of selling, which isn’t really being taught to the up ‘n comers. it makes matches so much more dramatic. it’s what causes the fans to suspend the disbelief to a higher level, because now they become emotionally involved subconsciously when a wrestler can convey suffering and despair to them. i really should open a school someday and teach people how to work. i actually managed to make a pretty good name for myself by dancing around like some schmuck pretending to be john travolta for the past fifteen years. i think i know what i’m doing.

*boy, is tennis lucky right now. think about the booking. you have two guys that are head and shoulders above everyone else, and one’s 26 and the other’s 21. they’re both good looking, and they’re talking about how they both might be the greatest of all time. they just had a five star match at wimbledon, and now people can look forward to the other majors for the rematch. it’s like you’re going to get 4 ppv’s out of these two guys a year, barring minor exceptions, and it’s on tv for free. i can’t wait till the us open. could you imagine if wrestling had two stars of that caliber right now? it’s like they’re bigger than the rock and austin when they were at the top of their game, and those two guys were pretty much head and shoulders over everyone else.

*i have a cameo appearance coming up on spin cycle, and let’s just say that it wasn’t planned, and i certainly wouldn’t have booked myself that way. did you know that spin cycle had 600,000 downloads last week? unbelievable number.

*saw some goofy criticisms of this week’s tna show on the various websites. why would people be critical of tna for having a stretcher match? because we’re “giving it away for free?” think about how stupid that sounds. say you went to a wwe show, and the rock and stone cold showed up and said that they were going to have a no dq street fight unannounced. what do you think a wrestling fan’s reaction would be? they’d probably shit their pants! what do you think a wrestling critic would say? “Boy, how dumb is that? why wouldn’t this match be on ppv?” most critics that think they know a thing or two about this business make themselves look pretty dumb each week with their criticisms, not realizing that when you write tv, you’re doing it to put on a good show for the fans. sometimes a good show shouldn’t be resricted by not putting stuff on that they think should be saved for ppv. in summary, do they actually think a straight up match with booker t and consequences creed would do a better rating that a stretcher match?

*got some mma insights from frank trigg backstage for this weekend’s fights. arlovski doesn’t do well with guys bigger than him, and rothwell outweighs the guy by thirty pounds. tim sylvia’s reach advantage could come into play against fedor, because if he can hit him fedor can get cut, and california has the ref stoppages for blood. anderson silva is fighting a true 205 pounder for the first time in irvin. don’t be surprised to see him fighting backwards and getting roughed up. huge jump in weight for silva. lidland should pound his opponent. trigg gave me the forrest griffin pick over rampage last show. great fight. poor rampage. what a rough week. if this was an angle, he’d do a run in for lidell-evans.

*like mark madden, i’ve got a pillman story of my own. he always used to call at like 2 in the morning.

i answer my phone, “hello?”

“this bootyman thing is pissing me off.”


“yeah. he’s obviously ripping off your gimmick.”


“i wanna kick his f***ing ass.”

“go ahead.”

“i will.”
