Top 5 SummerSlams Ever!

This time of year for all wrestling fans features the hottest night of the summer coming up with SummerSlam!

I felt like this week would be a good time to rank the top 5 SummerSlam events.

5. SummerSlam 1996

This was an interesting but entertaining night for many reasons. The first ever “Boiler Room Brawl” between Mankind and The Undertaker. The two fought from the basement of the Gund Arena all the way to the ring. The ending was the famous heel turn of Paul Bearer as he turned on Taker and sided with Mankind. 

The night also featured a showing of then champion, Shawn Michaels, and his athletic ability to put on a half hour match with the 400 pounder, Vader. On a funny note, Yokozuna fought Steve Austin on the pre-show and broke the top rope. T.L. Hopper, Jerry Lawler and a cast of others swimming in a pool backstage!