A British Point of View: It’s time to Unify!


I think it’s about time that WWE considers the fact of unifying the separate rosters and championships. With the way WWE are positioning the championships at the moment then this might even be already happening and I would welcome it.
I think once NXT Season 3 has concluded and Smackdown makes it’s move to SyFy, WWE should put the whole roster across the 2 shows and start to consider unifying all the championships.
Now they have already started this with the Womens championship being unified at Night of Champions and the Tag Team Championship finally getting its unified belts arranged.
Possibilities of the World Championship and the WWE Championship being unified would be ideal for the main event of Wrestlemania 27. WWE have spoken about the possibility of a logo change within the next few months and if they do then that means that the WWE championship will have to change as well due to the main logo being the centrepiece of the belt. Why not kill two birds with one stone? Unify the titles and create a new belt (Or better yet, go back to the winged eagle or the attitude era championship, sorry just my personal preferences.)
The current WWE championship has looked terrible since it’s creation, it looks like a kids toy and I cannot take it seriously as a championship. When John Cena won the US title “he” created the spinner belt, this I felt went with his character well and looked impressive, however, when it was done on the WWE championship it instantly was frowned upon. I cannot believe it has been around for over 5 years now!
If the complete roster had access to RAW and Smackdown then storylines could be told without the rush to meet the next PPV, they would have double the chance to build. If they do not need the time then they have more than a big enough roster to fill time with. If managed correctly then I definitely think this is the better option.
It might take a long time but it might bring some prestige back to the championships, I know I’ve mentioned this more than once but I desperately want to see some classic mid card matches for the Intercontinental championship like I used too. I thought we would have got this at Summerslam with Kofi and Ziggler but it was spoilt by poor booking with Nexus attacking them during the match? Why not wait until we had a clean finish?
A couple of things I wanted to point out about this week’s Smackdown as well.
I was glad to see Chris Master’s get some air time, his match with Ziggler was by no means classic but he gave a good account of himself and I hope he can push his way more into the mid card.
Did anybody notice Todd Grisham call Layla a Verbal Hurricane on the announcing desk? Has he never heard Booker T commentate!?
I found it very interesting the way ‘Dashing’ Cody Rhodes made a comment about Matt Hardy’s weight, Matt Striker commented during the match that Matt has been unable to train due to injuries sustained over the years. Now, I remember Matt having his abdominal injury which required surgery and the first thing Matt stated since that injury that he was now able to get some training done. From that point on he has looked nothing but worse, has Matt got more injuries than we know or has his passion been worn down by the current system and possibly politics?
I noticed a few tweets he wrote recently which suggested he was fed up and in some ways I do not blame him. I am by no means a big Matt Hardy fan but if I was on television every week showing my physique then I would want to look better than he does at the moment, this is only further highlighted by the fact that we have seen him in better shape, if we had never seen him better in the past then I do not feel it would be such a big point raised.
I sat in shock at the Hornswoggle scene, who in the right mind thinks that this story is bringing anything to the table? Now I know Hornswoggle is aimed at children but I know my 8 and 11 year old nephews would even think that it was a sad sight to see.
My 2 favourite moves of the week have to go to Drew McIntyre and Michelle McCool. Drew put a bear hug on Christian this week which genuinely used his body strength to swing him round in a way I would expect Mark Henry to do and Michelle McCool used a belly to belly backbreaker which I have not noticed her using prior. Both moves looked effective and made my eyebrows raise.
I’m still liking the evolution of the story between Kane and the Undertaker. They have definitely done as good a job as possible with being able to run this rivalry again and still keep interest. This is the best stuff Kane has done for over 10 years and I’m praying that it continues.
If you want to get in touch then my email address is beansontoastuk@msn.com and if you’re using Twitter then you can get hold of me at www.twitter.com/beansontoastuk.