What’s The Future For Moxley & Tyler…err, Ambrose & Rollins?

Word is Triple H has deemed two top FCW competitors, Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins, ready to graduate. But according to Hunter, before they can leave the nest, Ambrose and Rollins need to have a storyline in place. That means, in spite of what anyone with half a brain knows, that the former Jon Moxley and Tyler Black are ready to go, they have to wait until some comic-book nerds come up with an idea. 

Here’s some help for the Creative Team, a group my friend, Dave Scherer of PWInsider.com, used to refer to as “Stephanie’s Boobs:”

  1. Put them together as a tag and have them chase meaningless tag team titles.
  2. Have them “invade”, claim to take over and then be beaten up by John Cena
  3. Have them each fall in love with Vickie Guerrero and call the group “Ménage A Trois”

OK, now that the WWE Creative Team has stopped reading, here are some real ideas.

1. Regardless of what they do, have the announcers put them over. It’s no secret that Daniel Bryan has gotten over like a fart in church with the masses because they don’t see him as legit. If you tell everyone for months that someone is horrible, don’t be surprised when fans don’t like the guy. If anything, maybe the WWE has learned the lesson that there is power behind the microphone. 

Here’s when Dean Ambrose debuted in FCW, listen to his words and how William Regal put him over. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1unlfgpDk9o

2. Work to their strengths – Both are solid, all-around competitors. Don’t try to shoehorn both into a spot that isn’t their natural fit. Ambrose is a born villain while Rollins makes girls scream and takes a helluva beating. Set them up for success rather than failure. I would rub Ambrose up with Regal right away, while I would have Rollins work hard to get to the top on Smackdown through some bigger, menacing foes like Wade Barrett or perhaps Kane if he came back to Smackdown. 

Then again, after Big Show cried when he ran over Daniel Bryan’s girlfriend rather than beat the champ, I don’t think to be a monster pays any more in the WWE.

3. Family Tradition or a Hot Broad – Bruiser and Crusher were “cousins”. Ric Flair was the “cousin” of the Andersons. You can make either Ambrose or Rollins a cousin of someone already established and this instantly gives them a ledge to stand, on what otherwise can be a slippery slope. Put a hot broad on the arm of Ambrose or have AJ be smitten with Seth after he debuts on Smackdown. Girls are common capital in the WWE so it’s tough to be different but it could be a place to start. 

When Tyler started in ROH, he was in the Age of the Fall and would have fit in beautifully with the Brood, if this was 1999. Do they think about doing something a little dark with Seth Rollins? I can see vignettes building him up, leading to a debut, while Ambrose can show up and get heat instantly. 

Some may say this is a bit of a copout but here’s my rationale: What’s old is new again. There are “tried and true” formulas for success in wrestling so no sense trying to overthink it. My problem with the creative process in the WWE is that it seems to be geared to everything other than good wrestling. But, as I wrote recently, the WWE isn’t “wrestling” so it’s unfair to judge them as such.

4. When in doubt, put someone in a box. One of our running jokes when I worked in the WWE was if you want someone to be instantly “over”, have them come out of a box on TV. Of course, this only worked with established stars but it was always funny when we pitched it.

5. Take care with your assets and invest in the long-term. If you believe in Ambrose and Rollins, give them time to get over. Don’t sacrifice the entire brand to do it but let them percolate a little before making a judgment. 

Once they get there, it’s important that the power players on the rosters take a liking to them. Regal can be great cover for Ambrose while CM Punk could be a nice ambassador for Rollins. Each needs to seek their own path of “least resistance”, kiss plenty of the right behind and remember that it takes more than talent to be successful in the WWE.

6. Pray Vince likes them. The assumption is Vince doesn’t know anyone other than the top guys on his shows and hasn’t seen either Rollins or Ambrose, despite paying them for over a year each. Even if he did see them and like them in the past, chances are he’s forgotten that and may see them for “the first time” when they debut and hate/love them. If you want to see Rollins and/or Ambrose succeed in the WWE, pray to God, Buddha, Muhammad or whatever deity/figure you believe in that Vince likes them. 

So, what does the future hold for Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins? Each is super-talented and has significant upside but nothing is guaranteed. For every Magnum TA, there was a Glacier. For every Brood, there was a Nexus. 

As T. Herv Eker said in his book Secrets of the Millionaire Mind, “Comfort kills! If your goal in life is to be comfortable, I guarantee two things. First, you will never be rich. Second, you will never be happy. Happiness doesn’t come from living a lukewarm life, always wondering what could have been. Happiness comes as a result of being in our natural state of growth and living up to our fullest potential.”

So, boys! Go for it! Whatever they give you, kill it… own it! You have nothing to lose because if you don’t go for it, you’ll never make it. Good luck!

As always, I am interested in your thoughts… @RealKevinKelly on Twitter

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