TNA Impact Wrestling Results (6/26) – Monster’s Ball, MVP Fired, Replacement Named!

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tna knockout goneTNA Impact Wrestling Results
June 26th 2014
Report by Bill Pritchard for

The Beautiful People vs Gail Kim & Taryn Terrell

Velvet snaps Gail's head on the mat and whips her into the corner, then Gail gets her with a drop toe hold and a near fall. Gail kicks her and Taryn gets a near fall, then Gail tries to run interference and Angelina yells at her. Taryn gets another near fall, then she heads up top and Velvet runs tries to distract her. Taryn kicks her and chases her around the ringside area, but Angelina catches her and slams her on the mat. Velvet tags in and they hit a double elbow drop, then Velvet hits a diving elbow in the corner and chokes Taryn with her boot. Velvet hits a dropkick and but Taryn comes back with a facebuster, then Gail gets the tag and she repeatedly kicks Angelina and clotheslines her. Gail whips Angelina and hits a diving crossbody for two, then she follows with a neckbreaker but Velvet breaks up the pin. She helps Angelina up but Taryn hits both of them with a top rope crossbody, then Gail follows with Eat Defeat for the win.

Winners – Gail Kim & Taryn Terrell

MVP comes out to commemorate Bobby Lashley's title win, and MVP says it took a bit long but the world is now theirs, so they should get to business. He expects Eric Young to beg for his release, but Eric comes out and says he wants an extension because he still needs to take out the trash. Eric rushes the ring but King and Lashley stomp him, then MVP hits him with his crutches before Bobby Roode makes the save. Roode jumps the guardrail and hits MVP and King with a crutch, then they run for it but Roode screams at them to come back.

Roode says he's had a lot of ups and downs with Eric, but they still helped build TNA as a company, and they signed their contracts together and love wrestling. Roode says MVP handed out a bullshit suspension to keep him away, but Eric continued to fight every night to bring respect and honor back to TNA. He says the games are over because suspended or not, he is going to get the company back, and he will do it for all of the fans worldwide and the wrestlers who love being there. Roode says he could've sat home, and MVP could still fire him, but he doesn't care, and he tells MVP to be a man and make a decision to his face. (Cont'd…)