IMPACT Wrestling Results

IMPACT Wrestling Results (6/23/20)

IMPACT Wrestling Results IMPACT Wrestling Results
June 23, 2020

Report By Lovell Porter for

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Tasha Steelz w/Kiera Hogan vs. Neveah w/Havok

Steelz trash talks Neveah before the match starts. Neveah unloads on Steelz with a few stiff elbow strikes. Rolling neck snap by Neveah. Neveah blasts Steelz with a basement elbow strike. Steelz retreats to the outside to confer with Hogan. After a distraction from the outside, Steelz takes control. Steelz works over Neveah. Steelz misses a spear in the corner. Neveahlays Steelz out with a clothesline followed by a basement dropkick. German suplex by Neveah. Steelz kicks out. Neveah sets up her modified DDT. Hogan gets on the apron. Steelz rolls up Neveah for the surprise win. 

Winner- Tasha Steelz

Backstage, Johnny Swinger begs Rich Swann to be on his team with Chris Bey later tonight. Swann says he’s still injured and Willie Mack is his boy so that ain’t happening. 

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