IMPACT Wrestling Results

IMPACT Wrestling Results (6/30/20)

IMPACT Wrestling Results IMPACT Wrestling Results
June 30, 2020

Report By Lovell Porter for

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At the start of the show Josh Matthews and Madison Rayne announce the world title is now vacant. The new champion will be crowned at Slammiversary. The match will not be Ace Austin vs. Trey vs. Eddie Edwards, vs. a mystery opponent. 

Chris Bey w/Johnny Swinger vs. Suicide 

Bey forces Suicide into the corner. Bey stomps Suicide. Bey flips over Suicide and dances. Bey springboards off the ropes and arm drags Suicide. Bey tries a standing moonsault but Suicide moves out of the way. Bey lands on his feet. Suicide trips Bey. Suicide release atomic drops Bey. Suicide crushes Bey with an electric chair drop. Suicide tries a springboard moonsault but Bey manages to get his knees up. 

Suicide eventually fires up and lands a flurry of moves to stave off Bey’s assault. Suicide goes Spider-Man. Bey charges in but gets dumped out of the ring. Swinger hits the ring but is quickly sent to the outside as well. Suicide splash to the outside by Suicide. Suicide lands a modified suplex. Bey fakes a knee injury. While the referee is distracted, Swinger pushes Bey off the top rope. Suicide lands on the top rope. Bey hits his finish for the win.

Winner- Chris Bey

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