WWE Smackdown Results (5/4) Damien Sandow “Debuts”, Bryan/Sheamus Rematch

WWE Smackdown Results
By Bill Pritchard for Wrestlezone.com
May 4th 2012

Sheamus comes out and says he loves to fight, and it doesn't matter where it is because he loves to fight and he'll do it a few minutes. He says Daniel Bryan almost tore his arm off at Extreme Rules and he wants to finish the job, so he gave him a one word answer tonight. Sheamus starts a YES! chant then Bryan comes out and says he is trying to rip him off, then the match gets underway.

Daniel Bryan vs Sheamus

Bryan trips Sheamus off the ropes and goes for the YES! Lock, but Sheamus counters and slams Bryan on the mat then Bryan kicks him in the corner. Bryan targets Sheamus' arm and pulls back on it, then he puts him in a hammerlock but Sheamus punches his way out and slams Bryan's head into the turnbuckles. He fires up and hits a clothesline and a kneelift, then Bryan gets knocked outside and Ricardo Rodriguez surprises Sheamus with a top rope crossbody. The ref calls for the bell but Alberto Del Rio sneaks in and puts him in the Cross Armbreaker, then Bryan puts him in the YES! Lock until referees break it up. They pull Sheamus out of there and tell him to go to the back, and he watches from the ramp as Bryan and Alberto argue with each other.

Winner (by disqualification) – Sheamus

Hunico & Camacho vs Kofi Kingston & R-Truth (c)

Truth hiptosses Hunico then Kofi tags in and gets distracted by Camacho, and Hunico knocks him to the floor and Hunico hits him while he is down. Camacho drops Kofi with a side suplex and a legdrop, then he slams his head into the turnbuckles and Hunico comes in with an elevated mule kick. Kofi throws some elbows to try to get to his corner, then he monkey flips Hunico and gets the tag to Truth. He comes in and smacks Camacho in the head, then hits a Lie Detector but Camacho tries to break up the pin. He throws him towards Kofi and he kicks him out of the ring, then Truth drops Camacho with the Little Jimmy for the win. (Abraham Washington was sitting on the top of the ramp with Epico, Primo and Rosa. Truth and Kofi saw them post match and invited them down, but they went backstage.)

Winners – Kofi Kingston & R-Truth