WWE SmackDown Results wade barrett corey graves

WWE SmackDown Results (6/17/22)

WWE SmackDown Results
June 17, 2022
Report by Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

Check out last week’s coverage: WWE SmackDown Results (6/10/22)

In-Ring Segment: Mr. McMahon

Mr. McMahon says it is a privilege to be here. He repeats WWE’s tagline: Then, Now, Forever, Together. Mr. McMahon keys in on the word together. He then welcomes the crowd to SmackDown, drops the mic, and walks away. The crowd goes nuts for him as he struts up the ramp.

In-Ring Segment: Riddle

Before Riddle kicks Reigns’ teeth in later tonight, Riddle wants to recap the history between him and Reigns. Riddle throws to a video package. This is the biggest night of his life and he knows his best friend Randy is watching at home. Riddle gets emotional as he talks about Orton’s upcoming surgery. No matter Orton’s condition, he wants Orton back in WWE. Riddle tells Orton he loves him. Riddle thanks Orton for everything. He’s dedicating the match tonight to Orton. Riddle asks to have Orton’s music played. Riddle bops in the ring as “Voices” blares through the arena.

Last Laugh Match: Happy Corbin vs. Madcap Moss

Moss leapfrog over Corin. Corbin fires back with a few right hands. Corbin works over Moss. After the break, Corbin clotheslines Moss back into the ring. Moss hits two Punchlines for the win.

Winner- Madcap Moss

After the match, Moss grabs a mic and laughs at Corbin.

After the break, Corbin grabs a mic and says he hears Pat McAfee criticizing him and making jokes. McAfee coined the phrase “Bum-ass Corbin”. Corbin tells McAfee to shut up and if he doesn’t he’s going to drag McAfee’s skinny ass into the ring and destroy him. Corbin starts to walk away but McAfee grabs a mic and starts a “Bum-ass Corbin” chant.

McAfee thought the Last Laugh Match meant Corbin would have gotten laughed out of the arena. Corbin scowls. McAfee asks the crowd to join him in laughing Corbin out of the arena. As Corbin walks up the ramp, The New Day make their way to the ring. Kingston and Woods point and laugh at him as he leaves.

The New Day vs. Jinder Mahal and Shanky

Kingston and Woods work over Mahal. Mahal tags in Shanky. Kingston dropkicks Shanky. Shanky destroys Kingston with a chop. Clothesline by Shanky.SHanky works over Kingston. Woods starts to play his trombone.  Shanky starts to dance. Mahal tags himself in and berates Shanky for dancing again. Mahal turns around and walks right into Trouble in Paradise from Kingston for the win.

Winners- The New Day


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