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WWE SmackDown Results (6/10/22)

Friday Night Smackdown Results
WWE SmackDown Results
June 10, 2022
Report by Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

Backstage, Sheamus holds Butch back as he is trying to attack Drew McIntyre as he walks to the stage to make his entrance.

Men’s Money in the Bank Qualifying Match: Drew McIntyre vs. Sheamus

Sheamus and McIntyre trade shots. McIntyre catches Sheamus with a Michinoku Driver. Sheamus kicks out. Sheamus lands the ten beats. McIntyre reverses it and lands his own version of the ten beats. Butch hops up on the apron to cause a distraction. Sheamus sends McIntyre into the ring post, ribs first. White noise on the apron by McIntyre! After the break, McIntyre fires up and hits s series of overhead throws. McIntyre sets up the future shock DDT but Sheamus escapes. Spinebuster by McIntyre. Sheamus headbutts McIntyre but McIntyre responds with the Glasgow kiss. Future Shock DDT but Sheamus! McIntyre kicks out. Sheamus goes up top.

McIntyre cuts him off. McIntyre hits white noise off the second rope! Sheamus kicks out. McIntyre calls for the Claymore. Sheamus counters with a pump knee strike. McIntyre kicks out yet again! Sheamus tries the Brogue Kick but McIntyre counters with a powerbomb. Butch hits the ring and eats a Claymore from McIntyre. Sheamus clotheslines McIntyre over the top. McIntyre suplexes Sheamus out on the floor. Sheamus dumps McIntyre over the timekeeper’s area. McIntyre grabs a chair. Sheamus and McIntyre fight over it. Both men get hit with chairs. The fight spills over the announce desk. The bell rings but there is no announcement over who the winner is.

After the break, Michael Cole announces the match has ended in a double disqualification. Sheamus and McIntyre have been fighting through the break. The two are eventually separated by officials.

Check out last week’s coverage: WWE Hell in a Cell Results (6/5/22)

WWE SmackDown Results (6/3/22)

Women’s Money in the Bank Qualifying Match: Lacey Evans vs. Xi Li

Li grabs a side headlock. Evans escapes and floors Li with a shoulder block. Li slams Evans’ face into the mat. Li lands a few strikes, followed by a suplex. Evans kicks out. Li traps Evans in a seated cobra clutch. Evans fights to her feet and escapes. Evans lands a basement European uppercut. Handstand bronco buster by Evans. Li kicks Evans in the gut. Li hits the ropes and Evens sends her to the shadow realm with the Women’s Right.

Winner- Lacey Evans

Backstage, McIntyre walks into Adam Pearce’s office and demands to be put in the MITB match. Pearce says he needs time to figure out how to solve this. McIntyre tells Pearce to put him in the match. McIntyre walks away.

Backstage, Sheamus burst into Pearce’s office and says he wants in the MITB match.

In-Ring Segment: Ronda Rousey

Rousey says she can’t wait till MITB. She can’t wait to show Natalya how superior the armbar is to the cheap imitation of a Sharpshooter she pilfered from her uncle. Shotzi interrupts and goads Rousey into a match tonight.

Championship Contender’s Match: Ronda Rousey (c) vs. Shotzi

Rousey almost locks in the armbar. Shotzi gets to the ropes. Shotzi fishhooks Rousey and lands a few strikes. Rousey beats Shotzi into the corner. Shotzi runs into a Judo throw.  Shotzi manages to choke Rousey using her legs on the ropes. Rousey escapes and locks Shotzi in an ankle lock. Shotzi kicks her way out of it. Tornado DDT by Shotzi out on the floor. Back in the ring, Shotzi floors Rousey with a superkick.

Shotzi works over Rousey’s arm. Rousey rolls out of a chicken wing by Shotzi. Shotzi kicks Rousey in her injured arm to stop her momentum. Shotzi lands a flurry of strikes. Rousey catches one of Shotzi’s kicks. Shotzi slaps Rousey in the face. Rousey scowls. Rousey suplexes Shotzi. Judo throws by Rousey. Rousey hits Piper’s Pit, followed by the Armbar. Shotzi taps out.

Winner- Ronda Rousey

After the match, Natalya attacks Rousey from behind. Natalya locks Rousey in the Sharpshooter.

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