swerve strickland
Photo Credit: All Elite Wrestling

AEW WrestleDream: Swerve Strickland vs. Hangman Page Result

Swerve Strickland just proved whose house it is.

Strickland picked up a big win over Hangman Page at AEW WrestleDream on Sunday night. Swerve ultimately got an assist from Prince Nana at ringside, but he pinned Hangman after hitting the House Call twice.


Check out a recap of the match, courtesy of our live results page:

“Hangman” Adam Page vs. Swerve Strickland (with Prince Nana)

Strickland asks the crowd, “Who’s house”, and they say, “Swerve’s house.” The two stars feel each other out early on. “Hangman” chops Strickland. Swerve takes control with a dropkick and grounds Page. Page counters a German suplex. They trade counters, and Page hits a Fallaway Slam. “Hangman” hits a diving moonsault to the outside. He gets a two-count with a Liger Bomb. Page dives onto Strickland at ringside.

Page hits a diving clothesline. Strickland and Page trade blows. Swerve hits a flatliner and a brainbuster. Strickland hits a stomp. He gets a two-count with the House Call. Page hits the Dead-Eye on the steps. Swerve counters the Buckshot Lariat and snaps Page’s arm. The doctor checks on Page at ringside. Strickland hits the Swerve Stomp on Page on the apron. Swerve hits a 450 on the arm for a two-count. Hangman rallies with a lariat.

Page dodges the Swerve Stomp and hits Swerve with the Buckshot Lariat with his injured arm. Prince Nana puts Strickland’s foot on the ropes. Nana distracts the referee, and Strickland blasts Page with Nana’s crown for a near fall. Swerve hits the House Call twice and slams him for the win.

Winner: Swerve Strickland