AEW WrestleDream
Image Credit: AEW

AEW WrestleDream Results (10/1/23): Darby Allin vs. Christian Cage, MJF, More

On October 1, All Elite Wrestling presented AEW WrestleDream from the Climate Pledge Arena in Seattle, Washington.

Among other matches, Darby Allin challenged Christian Cage for the TNT Championship, and Bryan Danielson faced Zack Sabre Jr. Plus, MJF defended the ROH World Tag Team Championship against The Righteous.

The results are as follows:

AEW WrestleDream Results

Zero Hour

Backstage, Stokely Hathaway tells ROH World Champion Eddie Kingston he has something to tell him on Wednesday.

Tony Khan and Rocky Romero are in the ring, wearing scarves to honor Antonio Inoki. Katsuyori Shibata is also in the ring with Inoki’s grandsons. Khan highlights the legacy of Antonio Inoki. Romero gives Inoki’s grandchildren flowers.

Shane Taylor Promotions (Shane Taylor & Lee Moriarty), Diamante & Mercedes Martinez vs. Keith Lee, Satoshi Kojima, Athena & Billie Starkz

Martine and Starkz start the bout, and Martinez takes control. Diamante tags in and double-teams Starkz with Martinez. Athena tags in and fires up. Starkz sends Martinez to the outside. Taylor enters the match and squares off with Lee. Lee sends Taylor to the outside with a hurricanrana. Taylor gains the upper hand. He double-teams Lee with Moriarty. Kojima lights up Moriarty with some chops. The match breaks down as bodies start flying. Taylor drills Kojima with a headbutt.

Lee floors Taylor with a spinebuster. Athena hits Moriarty with the O-Face. Lee slams Moriarty, and Kojima pins him with a lariat.

Winners: Keith Lee, Satoshi Kojima, Athena & Billie Starkz

Claudio Castagnoli (with Jon Moxley) vs. Josh Barnett

Moxley joins the broadcast team. Castagnoli and Barnett feel each other out and trade holds early on. They’re evenly matched, and the two competitors continue to battle for position. Castagnoli gains the upper hand. Barnett evades the Swing. Claudio drills Barnett with some stiff uppercuts. Barnett goes for an abdominal stretch. They trade blows. Castagnoli rocks Barnett with some shots. Barnett fires back with some blows to the body.

Barnett drops Claudio with a kick. He dumps Castagnoli with a throw. Castaganoli sends Barnett swinging and traps him in a leg lock. Barnett slams Castagnoli with another throw. He hits Castagnoli with some strikes but eats a lariat. Castagnoli hits the Neutralizer and locks in an Octopus Hold. Barnett blocks it, and Castagnoloi rolls him up for the win.

Winner: Claudio Castagnoli

After the match, Barnett grabs a microphone and says everything he has heard about Castagnoli is right. He calls Castagnoli great and says he now holds Castagnoli in high regard. Barnett says Antonio Inoki would have approved of Castagnoli. He tells Claudio this isn’t over, and they will settle this someday. Castagnoli responds by telling him he’ll face him any time, any place.

A video package highlights the TNT Championship match between Christian Cage and Darby Allin.

Luchasaurus vs. Nick Wayne

Wayne takes the fight to Luchasaurus. The former TNT Champion overpowers him and takes control. Wayne rallies and rocks the big man with some kicks. Luchasaurus drops him with a shoulder tackle. Luchasaurus choke-slams Wayne, and he rolls to the outside. He continues to punish Wayne in front of his mom, who’s sitting in the front row. Wayne rallies with a moonsault. Luchasaurus drills Wayne with a blow to the back of the head and pins him.

Winner: Luchasaurus

AEW World Trios Championship: The Acclaimed & Billy Gunn vs. TMDK (Shane Haste, Bad Dude Tito & Mikey Nicholls)

Caster raps his way to the ring and references Slapjack and Retribution to take shots at Haste. The two teams go back and forth early on. Gunn drops Haste with a shoulder tackle. Gunn and The Acclaimed take control, as Bowens hits Scissor Me Timbers on Nicholls. TMDK gains the upper hand. Tito overpowers Bowens. TMDK isolates Bowens. They stop him from tagging out and continue to control the action. Bowens rallies and tags Gunn, who clears house with a flurry of offense.

TMDK weathers the storm, and Tito gets a two-count with a powerbomb. Bowens hits Tito with The Arrival, and Caster hits the Mic Drop for the win.

Winner and still AEW World Trios Champions: AEW World Trios Championship: The Acclaimed & Billy Gunn

Main Card

ROH World Tag Team Championship: MJF (c) v. The Righteous (Vincent & Dutch)

MJF cuts a pre-match promo and says he had nothing to do with the attack on Jay White. He vows to retain the titles and keep them warm for when Adam Cole returns. MJF gets a “bodyslam” chant going. He goes to bodyslam Dutch, but he can’t. MJF heads to the outside and gets a back-rub from a fan. He gets a “sportsmanship” chant going. MJF pokes Dutch in the eyes. Vincent and Dutch double-team MJF and gang up on him. Vincent mocks Adam Cole with a “Clinically Insane” chant to the tune of “Adam Cole, Bay Bay.” The Righteous ground MJF. MJF goes to slam Dutch, but his back gives out. Vincent hits a Swanton for a two count.

Dutch slams MJF for a two-count. The Righteous brings out a chair and a wood block. MJF grabs Vincent below the belt while the referee isn’t looking. MJF dodges a Swanton, and both men are down.

MJF rallies and slams Dutch. He sends Vincent head-first into Dutch’s butt. MJF goes for the Kangaroo Kick and hits it. He pins Dutch with the Heatseeker.

Winner and still ROH World Tag Team Champion: MJF

ROH World Championship and NJPW STRONG Openweight Championship: Eddie Kingston (c) vs. Katsuyori Shibata

Kingston and Shibata feel each other out early on and trade blows. They battle for positioning. Shibata traps Kingston in an ankle lock. He continues to target the knee and keep Kingston grounded. Kingston slams his way free with a suplex and chops Shibata. Shibata nails Kingston with a kick and series of strikes. The challenger wrenches Kingston in an abdominal stretch and transitions to an Octopus Hold. Kingston gets free. They trade stiff blows. Shibata drops Kingston with a kick.

They keep trading strikes, and Kingston hits the Backfist. Kingston ulimtayely hits another backfist and a powebomb for the win.

Winner and still ROH World Championship and NJPW STRONG Openweight Champion: Eddie Kingston

TBS Championship: Kris Statlander (c) vs. Julia Hart (with Brody King)

Statlander gains the early advantage and overpowers Hart. Statlander slams the challenger. She carries her over her shoulders. Hart slams her onto the apron. Hart then slams Statlander into the barricade multiple times. The challenger locks Statlander in an abdominal stretch. Statlander gets free, knees Hart in the head and slams her. King distracts Statlander. The champion rocks Hart with a right hand and slams her.

Hart dumps Statlander and hits a Moonsault, but Statlander gets her foot on the ropes. Statlander escapes the Heartless and hits a Tombstone. Statlander gets the win with Sunday Night Fever.

Winner and still TBS Champion: Kris Statlander

Winner Earns AEW World Tag Team Championship: The Young Bucks (Matt & Nick Jackson) vs. The Gunns (Austin & Colten Gunn) vs. The Lucha Brothers (Rey Fenix & Penta El Zero Miedo) vs. Orange Cassidy & HOOK

Fenix squares off with Nick Jackson, and they match each other early on. Cassidy tags in and briefly gains an advantage. The Gunns swarm Fenix at ringside and slam him into the barricade. They also slam Penta into a ring post. Colten tags in and counters a DDT from Cassidy. Colten knocks the Bucks off the apron. Austin tries to pin Colten, but the referee doesn’t buy it. The Bucks tag in and take control with some superkicks.

They double-team Cassidy. Nick takes Penta down with a hurricanrana. Matt and Nick kick Colten. Matt squares off with Cassidy, and HOOK tags in. HOOK holds his own with the Young Bucks. Cassidy and HOOK double-suplex the Bucks. Cassidy dives onto the Bucks at ringside. Penta rocks the Gunns with some kicks. The Gunns double-team HOOK and isolate him. Austin pulls Cassidy off the apron to prevent the tag. HOOK rallies and tags Penta, who clears house with a flurry of offense.

Penta takes control with a flurry of offense. He gets a two-count with the Made in Japan. Cassidy spikes Matt Jackson with a DDT. Nick plants Austin with a face-buster. Penta dives onto a group at ringside. HOOK is left in the ring with Austin. Austin evades the Redrum. Cassidy drills Austin with the Ornage Punch, and HOOK locks in Redrum. Nick dives onto HOOK and Austin with a 450 splash. The Bucks superkick HOOK and Colten. The Bucks hit the BTE Trigger on Penta for the win.

Winners: The Young Bucks

“Hangman” Adam Page vs. Swerve Strickland (with Prince Nana)

Strickland askes the crowd, “Who’s house”, and they say, “Swerve’s house.” The two stars feel each other out early on. “Hangman” chops Strickland. Swerve takes control with a dropkick and grounds Page. Page counters a German suplex. They trade counters, and Page hits a Fallaway Slam. “Hangman” hits a diving moonsault to the outside. He gets a two-count with a Liger Bomb. Page dives onto Strickland at ringside.

Page hits a diving clothesline. Strickland and Page trade blows. Swerve hits a flatliner and a brainbuster. Strickland hits a stomp. He gets a two-count with the House Call. Page hits the Dead-Eye on the steps. Swerve counters the Buckshot Lariat and snaps Page’s arm. The doctor checks on Page at ringside. Strickland hits the Swerve Stomp on Page on the apron. Swerve hits a 450 on the arm for a two-count. Hangman rallies with a lariat.

Page dodges the Swerve Stomp and hits Swerve with the Buckshot Lariat with his injured arm. Prince Nana puts Strickland’s foot on the ropes. Nana distracts the referee, and Strickland blasts Page with Nana’s crown for a near fall. Swerve hits the House Call twice and plants him with the JML Driver for the win.

Winner: Swerve Strickland

Ricky Starks vs. Wheeler Yuta

Yuta wrenches Starks’ arm right way. They battle for positioning, and Yuta gains the upper hand. They trade blows. Starks takes control. He does his rope-walk and jumps onto Yuta. Starks keeps Yuta grounded and maintains the advantage. Yuta fires up and traps Yuta in an arm-bar. Big Bill comes to ringside. Starks rolls up Yuta for a two-count.

Starks spikes him with a DDT for another two-count. A powerbomb earns Starks a two-count. Starks hits the hammer and anvil elbows Blackpool Combat Club is known for. Yuta hits Starks with some shots. Starks levels him with a lariat. Yuta knocks Starks onto Big Bill. Bill catches a diving Yuta, who sends him into the ring post. Yuta drills Starks with the hammer and anvil elbows. Starks dumps Yuta with the Roshambo for the win.

Winner: Ricky Starks

Bryan Danielson vs. Zack Sabre Jr.

Danielson and Sabre Jr. feel each other out early on. The match is a stalemate in the early stages. Sabre Jr. goes for an arm-bar, but Danielson escapes. Danielson goes for the Indian Death-Lock. Sabre Jr. escapes, and the two technical masters briefly lock each other in a double crab hold. Sabre Jr. gains the upper hand briefly. He strikes Danielson, who fires back with a forearm. They trade blows.

Sabre Jr. stomps on Danielson’s arm. He snaps Danielson’s fingers and continues to control the action. Danielson rallies and traps Sabre Jr. in a single-leg crab. He stomps Sabre Jr.’s knee and kicks his leg. “The American Dragon” hits two dragon screw leg whips. He kicks Sabre Jr. some more. Danielson and Sabre Jr. battle on the top rope. Danielson hits an avalanche butterfly suplex. Sabre. Jr. escapes a single-leg crab. Danielson rocks Sabre Jr. with some kicks.

Danielson stomps Sabre Jr. Sabre Jr. dodges the running knee. They trade pin attempts. Sabre Jr. gets a two-count with a pin attempt. Danielson counters a pin and goes for the Cattle Mutilation, but Sabre Jr. evades it. Sabre Jr. traps Danielson in a heel hook. Danielson spits in Sabre Jr.’s face. They slap each other and kick each other. Sabre Jr. strikes Danielson’s arm.

Danielson targets Sabre Jr.’s leg. They keep battling. Sabre Jr. gets a two-count with a backslide and kicks Danielson’s arm. Sabre Jr. wrenches Danielson’s arm in a submission hold, but Danielson gets free. The NJPW continues to kick Danielson. Danielson nails Sabre Jr. with a kick to the head. Sabre Jr. traps Danielson in an arm-bar. Danielson suplexes his way out of it and hits the running knee for a two-count. Another running knee scores Danielson the win.

Winner: Bryan Danielson

Chris Jericho, Kenny Omega & Kota Ibushi vs. The Don Callis Family (Konosuke Takeshita, Sammy Guevara & Will Ospreay) (with Don Callis)

Omega and Danielson begin the bout and square off. They’re evenly matched, and Guevara tags himself in. Guevara catches Omega with a dropkick. He flips off Jericho. Omega drills Guevara with some punches. Jericho tags in and takes the fight to Guevara. Ospreay drills Omega with a kick. The Don Callis Family isolates Omega and gangs up on him.

Takeshita grounds Omega. Omega rallies and slams Ospreay, who evades a moonsault. Guevara, Takeshita, and Callis aid Ospreay in an abdominal stretch. Ospreay stops Omega from tagging out. Takeshita gets a two-count with a Blue Thunder Bomb. Jericho tags in and takes control. Ibushi tags in and double-teams Guevara with Jericho.

Omega and Ibushi hit some tandem offense and draw “Golden Lovers” chants. Jericho hits the Lionsault. Omega and Ibushi double-team Guevara. Takeshita dumps Jericho with a German suplex. He floors Omega with one as well. Takeshita suplexes Ibushi, leaving Jericho on his own. Takeshita accidentally knees Ospreay. Omega sends Ospreay to the outside and dives onto him and Takeshita. Guevara plants Jericho with a Spanish fly. Guevara dives onto Omega at ringside.

Takeshita drills Omega with a knee strike. Ospreay and Takeshita double-team Jericho. Guevara hits Jericho with a Codebreaker. Jericho fires up, but the trio gangs up on him. Ibushi rallies with some stiff strikes. He trades blows with Takeshita. Takeshita levels him with a lariat. Ibushi fires back with one of his own. Omega and Ibushi drop Ospreay with strikes. Guevara dives onto them. Bodies are flying as the match breaks down. Ospreay sends Omega to the outside. Ospreay dives onto Omega and Ibushi.

Jericho drops Ospreay with the Judas Effect. Jericho pins Guevara, but Ospreay distracts the referee. Guevara goes for the GTH. Jericho counters, but Callis hits him with a bat while the referee is distracted. Guevara pins Jericho.

Winners: The Don Callis Family (Konosuke Takeshita, Sammy Guevara & Will Ospreay)

AEW World Tag Team Championship: FTR (Dax Harwood & Cash Wheeler) (c) vs. Aussie Open (Mark Davis & Klye Fletcher)

Harwood and Fletcher begin the bout. Fletcher gains an early advantage. Wheeler tags in and squares off with Fletcher. Wheeler slams Fletcher with a back body drop. FTR double-teams Fletcher. Harwood and Davis trade blows. Davis crushes Harwood with a senton. Harwood and Fletcher chop each other. FTR gains the upper hand.

Fletcher and Davis slam FTR into each other. Aussie Open gets a two-count with a double-team powerbomb. Fletcher knocks Harwood off the apron to prevent a tag. Wheeler gains some breathing room with an avalanche back suplex. Wheeler rallies and tags Harwood, who takes control and dishes out a series of strikes. Harwood gains more momentum with three German suplexes.

Aussie Open double-teams Harwood and hits the Aussie Arrow for a two count. Harwood hits a slingshot powerbomb for a two count. FTR hits a superplex/splash combination on Davis, but the pin gets broken up. The two teams trade strikes. Aussie Open hits stereo lariats. Wheeler gets a two-count with an inside cradle. Fletcher clotheslines Harwood to the outside. Aussie Open hits Shatter Machine and the Coriolis, but Haarwood breaks up the pin. FTR hits a spike piledriver on Davis on the apron. Fletcher dives onto FTR at ringside. FTR hits the Super Shatter Machine for the win.

Winners and still AEW World Tag Team Champions: FTR

Two Out of Three Falls Match for TNT Championship: Christian Cage (c) vs. Darby Allin

Cage drives Allin into the corner early on. Allin showcases some technical wrestling, but Cage gains the upper hand. Aliin rolls Cage’s turtleneck up, stacks him up for a pin and wins the first fall.

Winner of the First Fall: Darby Allin

Cage sends Allin crashing into the corner. He grounds the challenger. Cage snaps Allin’s neck on the ropes. Allin dodges a diving headbutt and hits a Code Red. Cage sends Allin to the outside. Cage slams Allin into the barricade. He stares down Nick Wayne’s mom at ringside and walks up to her. She throws a drink in her his face.

Allin dives onto Cage and hits a Coffin Drop at ringside. Allin goes for another Coffin Drop, but Cage blocks it.

Cage knocks Allin off the apron and onto the broadcast table. Allin and Cage battle while the champion is on the apron. Cage throws Allin onto the floor and slams him onto the steel steps. He slams Darby onto the steps again. Allin gets counted out.

Winner of the Second Fall: Christian Cage

The referee and doctors check on Allin. A stretcher is brought out for Allin. Cage rips up the ring canvas and exposes the board underneath. Cage dives onto Allin with a frog splash while he’s on the stretcher. He gets Allin back in the ring and hits a Killswitch for a near fall. Allin rallies and hits a Scorpion Death Drop. Allin hits the Coffin Drop for a near fall. Cage gains the upper hand and hits a sunset flip powerbomb.

Cage goes for a Spear, and Allin moves, so Cage takes out the referee. He hits Allin below the belt. Nick Wayne comes in and stops Cage from using the TNT Title. He gets in the ring and hits Allin with it. Cage pins Allin for the win.

Winner and still TNT Champion: Christian Cage

Nick Wayne gets in the ring and embraces Cage. Cage pulls Allin up, and Wayne talks some trash to Allin. Wayne attacks Allin. Sting comes out and makes the save. Luchasaurus gets involved, and Cage’s group gangs up on Sting. They prepare to take him out. The lights go out, and a video package of someone driving to the arena plays. Adam Copeland (Edge) comes out to “Metalingus”, making his AEW debut. Copeland confronts Cage and tells him to give him the chair. Copeland gets the chair and hits Wayne.

He drops Luchasaurus with a Spear. He drops Wayne with a Spear too. Copeland shakes hands with Allin and Sting and stands tall as the show ends.