WWE NXT Results

WWE NXT Results (9/19/23)

WWE NXT Results
September 19, 2023
Report by Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

In-Ring Segment: NXT Women’s Champion Becky Lynch

Lynch says the Man has come around to N-BEX-T. Lynch name-drops a bunch of women in the back she would love to face. She says that the former champion Tiffany Stratton pushed her to her limit. Stratton can have a rematch whenever she wants. Tiffany Stratton interrupts and says she wants her shot tonight. The crowd cheers. Stratton says she knew they would love that, but it’s not happening tonight. She wants her rematch on a bigger stage.

Stratton wants her shot at NXT No Mercy. Lynch says she told Stratton that she could have her shot whenever she wanted. The crowd cheers. Lynch says Stratton’s problem isn’t that she isn’t talented, she just doesn’t want it as bad as Lynch does. She goes on to say Stratton is a better fighter than talker, so they should just fight. Lynch attacks Stratton. Kiana James attacks Lynch from behind. Lynch fights both women off.

Backstage, Ilja Dragunov says he will defeat Carmelo Hayes for the NXT Championship at No Mercy. Becky Lynch walks in and asks Dragunov if she could have the floor. Dragunov

Backstage, Dominik Mysterio tells Trick Williams he knows what it’s like to be in someone’s shadow. Williams says he isn’t in anyone’s shadow. Dominik notes that he didn’t find himself until he joined The Judgement Day

Heritage Cup Invitational Group A Finals Match: Tyler Bate vs. Butch

Bate and Butch trade holds. Butch slaps Bate. Bate fires up and floors Butch with a lariat. Bate dives off the second rope and eats a right hand from Butch. Noam Dar and the rest of Meta-Four are in the Meta-Lounge dressed like idiots, I mean like characters from the Matrix for… reasons. Back in the ring, Bate lands a delayed superplex. After the break, Bate lands a standing shooting star. Butch kicks out. Butch traps Bate in a triangle.

Check Out Last Week’s Coverage: WWE NXT Results (9/12/23)

Bate reverses it into an airplane spine into a suplex for a two count. Butch flips out of a Tyler Driver and hits one of his own. Bate kicks out. Butch doesn’t let up. Bate reverses the Bitter End into a DDT. Bate picks up Butch and hits the Bitter End on Butch! Butch kicks out. Butch hit Bop and Bang on Bate. Bate Bounces off the ropes and hits a rebound lariat. Bate tries a Spiral Tap. Buch gets his knees up. There is only 30 seconds left. Butch lands the Bitter End. Bate kicks out. Butch picks up Bate and hits the Better End (pump handle into a Samoan driver) for the win.

Winner of Group A: Butch

Earlier today, Jacy Jayne took Thea Hail shopping for her new look.

Heritage Cup Invitational Group B Match: Duke Hudson w/Andre Chase vs. Joe Coffey w/Gallus

Hudson lands a flurry of offense. Coffey drops Hudson on the top rope. Glasgow sendoff by Coffey. Coffey tries All the Best for the Bells, but Hudson rolls Coffey up for the win.

Winner- Duke Hudson

With the win, Nathan Frazier, Duke Hudson, and Joe Coffey are all tied at 4 points in Group A.

Lola Vice w/Elektra Lopez vs. Roxanne Perez

Vice rolls Perez up multiple times. Perez manages to kick out of each pin. Perez tries a rope walk arm drag, but Vice stuns Perez on the top rope. Vice works over Perez’s arm. Perez fires up. Vice counters Pop Rocks into a submission. Perez flips into a pin for the win.

Winner- Roxanne Perez

WWE NXT Results Continue on the Next Page!

Backstage, Roxanne Perez runs into Becky Lynch in the locker room. Lynch puts Perez over. Pere offers to tag with Lynch tonight. Lynch says she’s got, and Perez needs to focus on her injured arm.

NXT Champion Carmelo Hayes vs. NXT North American Champion Dominik Mysterio

Dominik attacks Hayes from behind. Ilja Dragunov is at the commentary desk to watch the match. Back in the ring. Hayes fires back. The bell finally rings to start the match officially. Dominik hides outside the ring. Hayes follows. Dominik drops Hayes on the barricade. Dominik sends Hayes back into the ring. Hayes kicks Dominik on his way back in, leaving Dominik hanging on the middle rope. Hayes lands the fadeaway. Dominik runs into a superkick. Head scissors into a facebuster by Hayes. Dominik kicks out and rolls out of the ring again.

After the break, Dominik is working over Hayes. Hayes fires up, and hits a modified suplex for a near fall. Dominik trips Hayes into the ropes. 619 by Dominik. Hayes avoids Dominik’s splash, but Dominik lands on his feet. First 48 by Hayes. Hayes goes up for his finish. Dominik pushes Hayes off the top rope. Hayes falls out to the floor. Hayes tosses Dominik into Dragunov. Dragunov gets to his feet. Dominik sends Hayes into Dragunov. Dragunov gets to his feet, and he is livid. Dominik slaps Dragunov. Dragunov rushes the ring and runs over both Hayes and Dominik, causing a disqualification.

No Contest

After the match, Dragunov drops the H-Bomb on Dominik. Dragunov tries the Torpedo Moskau, but Dominik pulls Hayes in the way. Dragunov destroys Hayes. Dominik rolls out of the ring and is very proud of himself. Dragon Lee walks down the ramp and taps Dominik on the shoulder. Dominik turns around and gets superkicked. Lee poses with the North American Championship.

Heritage Cup Invitational Tie Breaker Triple Threat Match: Duke Hudson vs. Nathan Frazer vs. Joe Coffey

Frazer takes Coffey down with a dropkick before knocking Hudson off the apron. Coffey surprises Frazer with a low crossbody. Frazer sends Coffey out of the ring. Hudson cuts off Frazer’s dive attempt with a flapjack. Frazer kicks out. Frazer dropkicks both men, sending them both careening out of the ring. Suicide dive by Frazer. Hudson surprises Frazer with sit down.

Coffey crotches Hudson on the ringpost. After the break, Hudson almost pins Coffey the same way he did earlier tonight. Frazer manages to hit his Phoenix Splash on Hudson. Coffey breaks up the pin and sends Hudson out to the apron. Coffey headbutts Frazer off the apron and hits Hudson with All the Best for the Bells on Hudson for the win.

Winner of Group B: Joe Coffey

Backstage, Tiffany Stratton tells Kiana James that she has a surprise for Becky Lynch tonight.

In the parking lot, Hayes says Dragunov is walking around like he’s already NXT Champion. Next week, Hayes is going to show Dragunov where he stands.

Becky Lynch vs. Tiffany Stratton and Kiana James

As Lynch enters, Stratton and James attack her from behind. Lyra Valkyria hits the ring and makes the save. James and Stratton try to walk away. Valkyria and Lynch run up the ramp and attack James and Stratton. Lynch sends James into the ring, and the bell sounds.

Becky Lynch Lyra Valkyria and vs. Tiffany Stratton and Kiana James

Lynch slams James’ head into the top turnbuckle repeatedly. Lynch tosses James into her corner and begs Stratton to tag in. Stratton decline. Lynch forces the tag and pulls Stratton into the ring. After a series of reversals, Lynch lands a savate kick. James charges at Lynch. Lynch sends James over the top rope. Baseball slide by Lynch. Lynch clotheslines James off the apron. Stratton tries to attack. Lynch ducks. Valkyria surprises Stratton with a dropkick through the ropes.

After the break, James and Stratton are working over Lynch. Lynch manages to tag in Valkyria. Valkyria clears the ring. Lynch saves Valkyria from a double suplex from Stratton and James. Valkyria and Lynch land stereo rope hanging leg drops. Stratton trips Valkyria on the apron and sends Lynch into the ring post. James powerbomb Valkyria. Stratton flattens her with a swanton. Lynch breaks up the pin.

Check Out Last Week’s Coverage: WWE NXT Results (9/12/23)

Lynch gets the tag and takes James out with a missile dropkick. DDT/neckbreaker combo by Lynch to James and Stratton. James kicks out. Lynch rolls into the Disarmher. James escapes. James knocks Lynch into the corner. Valkyria gets a blind tag. James walks into a Manhandle Slam from Lynch. Valkyria crushes James with a splash off the top for the win.

Winners- Becky Lynch and Lyra Valkyria

After the match, Stratton hits Lynch with a chair. Stratton beats down Valkyria and Lynch with the chair. As Stratton walks up the ramp, Lynch grabs a mic and says if that’s how Stratton wants to play it, their title match at No Mercy will be an Extreme Rules Match.

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