WWE SmackDown Results wade barrett corey graves

WWE SmackDown Results (7/7/23)

WWE SmackDown Results Results
July 7, 2023
Report by Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

In-Ring Segment: The Usos

Jimmy and Jey gloat about beating Roman Reigns at Money in the Bank. Paul Heyman and Solo Sikoa interrupt. Heyman says he’s here tonight to be the defense counsel for the Tribal Chief. Heyman offers his first bit of evidence. Jimmy and Jey tell Heyman to shut up before he can even start. Heyman retorts that only one man can tell him to stop talking. Sikoa puts his hand over the mic and tosses it out of the ring. As The Usps have a staredown with Sikoa, Reigns’ music hits.

After the break, Heyman hands Reigns a mic. The crowd showers Reigns with a “you got pinned” chant. Reigns tells the crowd to acknowledge him. Reigns notes, yes, he did get pinned, but he is still the Tribal Chief. The crowd boos. Reigns says neither of The Usos are Tribal Chief, so they don’t have the right to put him on trial. Only he can call a trial. Jimmy says it’s not going to work this time. Reigns isn’t going to twist this around. Jey throws to their exhibit A, which is a video package of Reigns berating and being manipulative to every member of The Bloodline, including Sikoa and Heyman.

Check out last week’s coverage: WWE Money in the Bank Results (7/1/23)

Reigns laughs to himself as the crowd breaks into a “you f’d up chant.” Reigns responds to the crowd that he didn’t. They answer back, “yes, you did.” Reigns says that isn’t who he is, its who he was forced to be. He did it for every member of The Bloodline. Reigns was a WrestleMania main event long before The Bloodline. He didn’t need any of this. He did it for every member of the family. They put together a video of his worst moments to make him look back. Reigns has five kids at home, he doesn’t need the weight of The Usos children as well.

Reigns lips quivers as he tells them he’s done. If Jey wants it, it’s his. Roman Reigns drops the mic. Reigns takes off his tribal lei and puts them on Jey. Reigns starts to cry before taking off the championship belt and tossing it across the ring. The crowd goes nuts. Reigns drops down to his knees. Jey leans in and puts his hand on Reigns’ face. Reigns low blows Jey’s soul out of his body. Jimmy goes nuts and jumps on Reigns. Sikoa pulls Jimmy off Reigns, but he doesn’t attack. Sikoa looks down and takes a long look at the tribal lei. Jimmy leaps in and gets dropped with a Samoan Spike from Sikoa. Reigns storms up to Sikoa.

Check out last week’s coverage: WWE Money in the Bank Results (7/1/23)

Sikoa begrudgingly hands Reigns the lei. Jey attacks from behind. Reigns Superman Punches Jey. Jey gets tied up in the ropes and has to watch Reigns hit Jimmy with the ring steps repeatedly. Jey frees himself, and attacks Reigns from behind. Sikoa Samoan Spikes Jey and tosses him over the commentary desk. Reigns buries Jey under a bunch of chairs at ringside. Sikoa dives off the barricade and puts Jimmy through the desk.

Backstage, Jey is with Jimmy as he is loaded into an ambulance. Several stars surround the area, and watch as Jimmy is taken away.

United States Championship Match: Austin Theory (c) vs. Sheamus

Theory runs into a boot from Sheamus. Irish curse backbreaker by Sheamus. Theory falls out of the ring. Sheamus dives off the top for an axhandle. After the break, Theory is working over Sheamus. Sheamus fires back and sets up the Celtic Cross. Theory escapes and tries a rolling dropkick. Sheamus reverses it into a powerbomb. Pretty Deadly hits the ring to cause a distraction. As Sheamus is giving Prince the ten beats, Theory dropkicks Sheamus. The Brawling Brutes run down to ringside to fight off Pretty Deadly. Sheamus Brogue Kicks Prince off the apron. Theory rolls up Sheamus from behind with a hand full of tights for the win.

Winner and STILL United States Champion, Austin Theory!

The Grayson Waller Effect

Waller’s guest tonight has a major announcement. Waller introduces Edge, who gets a hero’s welcome in Madison Square Garden. Edge tries to put over the crowd. Waller cuts him off and tells him to get to the announcement. Edge doesn’t know what Waller is talking about. He’s here to celebrate his 25-year anniversary. Waller asks why Edge is back in WWE. Edge says because of the people. Edge says he’ll get back to Waller. He wants to talk to the people.

Edge notes his first PLE match for WWE was in this building (SummerSlam 1998). Edge goes back to putting over the New York crowd. Waller interrupts and says Edge is here to announce he’s retiring. Edge tells Waller to STFU. He’s not retiring, he’s having a match here tonight. Tonight Edge is going 1:1 with Grayson Waller. Waller looks like someone ran over this dog.

AJ Styles w/Mia Yim vs. Karrion Kross w/ Scarlett

Kross has his leg wrapped. He has some sort of injury that the commentary team will only hint towards. Kross lands a few strikes and floors Styles with a Cross Hammer. Styles is out. Kross tries the Kross Jacket. Styles blocks it and lands a Pelé kick. Styles sets up the Phenomenal Forearm. Scarlett tries to pull Styles off the apron. Yim grabs Scarlett and tosses her into the barricade. Styles lands the Forearm for the win.

Winner- AJ Styles

In-Ring Segment: WWE Women’s Champion Asuka

Before Asuka can say anything, Bianca Belair runs down to the ring and attacks Asuka. Charlotte Flair runs down to the ring and attacks Belair. Bayey and Iyo Sky attack Asuka from behind. Bayley Rose Plants Asuka on the MITB briefcase. Sky lands the Over the Moonsault. Bayley tries to give the referee the briefcase for Sky to cash in, but Belair pulls Bayley out of the ring. Flair boots the MITB briefcase into Sky’s face.

Edge vs. Grayson Waller

Waller mocks Edge. Edge runs over him with a shoulder block. Multiple Gutbusters by Edge. Edge boots Waller in the gut, seemingly working to set up a Spear. Waller counters the Spear with a flying knee. After the break, Waller tornado DDTs Edge. Edge kicks out. Waller works over Edge’s neck. Edge fires up and sends Waller out of the ring. Edge powerbombs Waller out on the floor. Waller is sent back into the ring. Edge lands a high crossbody. Waller kicks out. Waller surprises Edge with a somersault unprettier. Edge kicks out. Edge reverses a fireman’s carry into an implant DDT. Waller avoids the Spear. Waller tries the Sommersault Stunner but gets Speared out of the air. Edge pins Waller.

Winner- Edge

After the match, Edge grabs a mic and tells Waller that tonight, he swam. Edge drops the mic and walks away.

In-Ring Segment: Roman Reigns, Solo Sikoa, and Paul Heyman

Reigns tells the crowd to acknowledge him again (he didn’t like their energy earlier). The Usos music hits. Jey enters through the crowd. Sikoa rolls out of the ring to cut Jey off. Jey leaps clear over the barricade and attacks Sikoa. Sikoa is sent flying into the barricade by Jey. Jey grabs a chair and slides into the ring. Reigns tries to hit Jey with the championship, but Jey manages to hit Reigns with the chair first. Sikoa tries to make the save. Jey superkicks his little brother. Reigns rolls out of the ring. Jey hits Sikoa with the chair multiple times. Heyman and Reigns walk up the ramp. Jey takes a mic and says he wants Reigns one-on-one.

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