AEW Dynamite Results

AEW Dynamite Results (9/30/20)

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AEW Dynamite, September 30, 2020
Daily’s Place, Jacksonville, FL
Commentators: Jim Ross, Taz & Excalibur

Ricky Starks vs. Darby Allin

Ricky slaps Darby hard and Allin returns with a dropkick that sends him out of the ring. Ricky quickly resets and goes fo a spear but Darby catches him in a front chancery. Darby hold Starks’ arm and flips him. Fujiwa armbar. The two battle it out on the apron and Darby suplexs Starks flush. Darby topes onto Ricky and has the arm of Absolute, but out comes Brian Cage. Willie Hobbs comes out and the two brawl to the back. This allows Starks to arm whip Allin off the apron.

Starks secures offense in the ring. A double boot by Darby tries to thwart it, but Starks cinches in a single leg crab. Sidewalk slam. Kickout. Ricky drives the knee. Pin attempt and another two count. Starks went for his Roshambeaux, but Darby does a rolling sunset flip bomb for a very close fall.

Darby hones in on Ricky’s wrist. Another fujiwa by Darby. He gets both of Ricky’s arms, but Starks slithers to the bottom rope just enough to break. Two are on their knees and they start trading shots. Bck and forth. Starks catches Darby flush with his spear after some crazy athleticism by the two. Near fall.

Starks uses Darby to get to his feet and hoists him on the top turnbuckle. Starks and he jock for position and a kick to the face sends Starks down. Coffin drop on the injured lower back of Starks gets him the victory.

WINNER: Darby Allin

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Cody comes out. After break, Dasha is in the ring with him. She asks him how he’s feeling. Cody says Al Snow told him “You’ll always wrestle hurt, never wrestle injured.” Cody questions what if it’s internal within the person? Cody talked about the comradery about shaking hands between wrestling and then he got the call from Hollywood. He says the future stands with AEW’s current title holders. Not him. He states even Brodie Lee. Dasha asks if he accepts Lee’s challenge of a dog collar match. Cody says no he doesn’t then begins to walk off. He turns around and says “No, as in no regrets” followed by a fiery statement that he accepts. Next week. Brodie Lee comes out and so does the Dark Order and so does the locker room. Brandi dives onto top of a crew and Anna Jay and her trade shots. Total chaos.

Tony Schiavone tracks down FTR backstage.  Cash says they did Best Friends a favor by not giving them a match. They’re backyard specialists. He’s more intrigued by facing SCU. Tony asks about The Young Bucks and Dax says they keep blowing opportunities so they don’t deserve it.  Suddenly, Tony Schiavone gets super kicked by Matt Jackson and FTR tell Matt to go after them.

Scorpio Sky and Kaz are all game for their match and they guarantee a victory. As they walk to the curtain, there’s Shawn Spears. He wishes them good luck.

AEW World Tag Team Championships
SCU (Scorpio Sky & Frankie Kazarian w/ Christopher Daniels) vs. FTR (w/ Tully Blanchard)

Hangman Page is on commentary. Kaz and Dax begin things and it quickly gets mat based. JR asks Hangman if he’s done with tag wrestling. That’s not his plans and he is gonna try to convince Kenny that too. Hard clothesline by Kazarian. Scorpio gets the tag and gets off a very high dropkick. Kick out.

Sky downs Cash with a shoulder block and the two leapfrog one another. Cash feigns that Daniels tripped him and ref Paul Turner ejects him. Sky fights off FTR and it’s SCU in control. They dump the champs out of the ring.

On the outside, Kaz jabs Dax in the kidney that leads both men to him and Sky goes sky high on top of them. FTR soon resumes control and we go to picture-in-picture break.

Back from break, Sky fights off FTR and as Turner is distracted by Dax, Sky has Cash for the three count. Hard Russian leg sweep by Scorpio. Tag to Kaz and he’s on fire. He flipped Cash on top of Dax. Northern Lights suplex by kaz. Two count. Fisherman’s suplex by Kaz. Two count. Ten minutes into the match, ten minutes left. A double team dropkick into a sunset flip. Gets a two count.

Hard shots by Dax onto Kaz. Kaz tags in Sky and Kaz German suplexes. It’s a series of double team attempts by SCU including stereo cutters. Two count on Dax. Sky tags in Kaz and he gets caught in between FTR that’s capped off with a dragon suplex by Cash. Two count.

The teams fight in FTR’s corner. Dax and Cash lift Kaz up for a Doomsday Device but Kaz turns it into a belly-to-belly. Two count. Sky comes in and gets a flurry of close calls on Cash. Tully tries to interfere. Sky suplexes Cash in the ring with a vert suplex. He goes to do it on the opposite side, but Tully sweeps Sky’s leg and Cash falls on top for a pin attempt. Both Tully and Dax hold onto Sky’s leg for the win.

WINNERS and STILL AEW World Tag Team Champions: FTR

Just announced for Full Gear, there is an eight-man tournament for the number one contendership AEW World Title. The three competitors announced are: Rey Fenix, Jungle Boy and…Kenny Omega. This flusters Hangman on commentary who promptly exits.

Isiah Kassidy (w/ Marq Quen & Matt Hardy) vs. Chris Jericho (w/ Inner Circle)

Jericho pie faces Isiah several times before turning his back to him. He then hammers away at the Demo God and begins pummeling him away. Isiah keeps on top of him and cradles him for a two count.

A shot downs Isiah and then Chris corners him. Hard right hands. Chris goes for a dropkick but Isiah catches him and catapults him out. Jericho finds himself intertwined with Luther in the crowd who gives him a shot or two. Jericho receives a senton bomb in the ring for a two count. Jericho soon pancakes Isiah down. We go to break.

Back from it, a rock solid suplex from Jericho. He then strikes Isiah down. Isiah fights his way back but Hager gives him a shot while he’s at the ropes. Jericho goes for a running bulldog but Isiah avoids and Chris crotches himself in the corner. Slingshot flipping stunner to Jericho. Another two count. Isiah goes for another stunner and gets another two.

Isiah hits some forearms but Jericho gets him down for a Lionsault attempt. He gets his knees up. Isiah hits a lionsault. Two count. Isiah hits a codebreaker, two count! We’re over the ten minute mark.

Isiah leaps off the turnbuckle and out of nowhere Jericho catches him with a Judas Effect for the win.

WINNER: Chris Jericho

Post-match, a brawl ensues. Jericho takes a shot at Luther as he and Serpentico gets involved.

Kip and Miro are bonding over their bachelor party plans. Some record breaker (Billy Mitchell? Is he the Donkey Kong guy?) tries to get in on the plans.

FTR run into

Dark Order #10 vs. Orange Cassidy

Bell rings. 1o takes Orange’s shades and puts them on Jon Silver. 10 uses his power against Orange that includes a swinging flatliner. One count. Stalling vert suplex. Another one count.

10 maintains control as Dark Order mock the Best Friends. Their attention is then caught by Orange who dives on top of them. Back in the ring. Orange leaps onto 10 who catches him. Orange turns it into his DDT, then hits an Orange Punch, then his Beach Break finisher for the 1-2-3.

WINNER: Orange Cassidy

Backstage, MJF barges into Inner Circle’s dressing room and presents a bunch of jackets to the gang. He doesn’t have one for Sammy Guevara. Sammy doesn’t care and wonders what he’s doing here. Chris appreciates the gifts and asks him again if he wants to join the Inner Circle. Max asks him once more if he wants him to join The Inner Circle. They go back and forth over this before MJF makes his leave with Wardlow. He exits and as he does, Sammy’s about to say “What a loser” before Jericho stops him and says “maybe he’s not” as he drinks a bit of the bubbly.

Britt Baker vs. Red Velvet

Britt maintains control of Red’s arm and then barbed wires the arms of her foe. Arm wrench and then he slugs Red hard. Velvet goes back with Britt but Baker keeps hold of the arm. Britt back elbows Velvet but she catches the Dr. with a calf kick. Britt soon clotheslines Red down good before posing for the hard cam. Double armhook suplex by Britt.

She then boots Red against the ropes and then does it again before choking Velvet on the bottom cable. Sling blade by Baker. Red Velvet roll up for two. Side kick to the face by Britt followed by a fisherman’s neckbreaker. Boot to the side of Velvet’s head gets the three count.

WINNER: Britt Baker

Post-match, Britt locks in her lockjaw on Velvet to add salt to the wound.

Eddie Kingston is in the ring with Rey Fenix, Penta and Bryce Remsburg. Eddie says one thing he didn’t do in his title shot last week was submit. He asks Bryce what gave him the balls to ring that bell. Bryce says they go 18 years back and he was unresponsive. It’s his job to protect him from himself. Eddie is all ready to sic The Lucha Brothers on him but out comes Mox with a barbed wire bat. Eddie tells them to cut the World Champ’s music. He reveals that he’s fighting The Butcher tonight who is right behind Mox.

AEW World Championship
The Butcher vs. Jon Moxley (c)

The Butcher dominates Mox for quite a while with knees and hard chops. Mox tries some forearms but Butcher lariats him down. Butcher strangles him on the ropes with his leg. We go to break.

Butcher is working the leg heavy on Mox, but a neckbreaker evens the odds. A kick and cover. Near fall. Armbreaker by Mox. Butcher rolls free. Single leg crab. Focuses on the bad knee of Mox. He tries rolling free but Butcher drops on top and pummels away at the champ. Running powerslam for a two count. Butcher goes back to the leg.

Mox later goes for a Paradigms Shift, but Butcher continues to wear down the leg. Mox soon kicks free but Butcher clotheslines him down. Mox goes outside to recoup. Butcher stays on top and charges at Jon, but he sidesteps the big man to crash into the guardrail. Kingston tries to make Butcher come to and the two meet back up in the middle. They trade hits. Mox favoring his leg. Running crossbody by Butcher, two count.

The two deliver more shots.  A pumphandle to uranage gets a two count. Leg drop gets another two count. Butcher scales the corner, but Mox catches him midway and superplexs him from the top. Mox went for the armbreaker, but Butcher ankle locks him. Mox uses the momentum to send him into the corner. Big time piledriver by Mox gets a near fall.

Mox regroups and corners Butcher on the adjacent corner. Butcher bumps him off and then cross bodies on top of the champion for a two count.

Butcher stomps aways at Mox and the two get to their feet. Paradigm Shift! He then locks in the Bulldog Choke and Butcher is forced to submit.

WINNER and STILL AEW World Champion: Jon Moxley

Eddie Kingston is irate outside of the ring as a motivated Mox stands victorious.


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