Mark Madden

Mark Madden Age: 50
IQ: 166 (super genius)
Occupations: Radio host, WXDX-FM & Penguins Radio 24/7; sports columnist,, & Pittsburgh Sports Report.

Twitter: @MarkMaddenX

Wrestling resume: Worked for WCW, 1994-2001. 900# personality, WCW Magazine contributor, Internet personality, Nitro color commentator.

Favorite wrestler: Ric Flair. “Self-explanatory. The greatest ever; no one else even comes close.”

Favorite tag team: The Outsiders. “They made me what I am today.”

Most hated wrestler: DDMe. “Most selfish jerk that’s ever walked the face of the earth.”

Biggest influences: Flair, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, Sean Waltman, Chris Jericho, Terry Funk, Terry Taylor, Paul Heyman, Jim Ross. “I try and think about the business the same way they do…but C.M. Punk thinks about wrestling the way we all should. He’s a groundbreaker, a new-age Piper.”