eddie kingston
Photo Credit: All Elite Wrestling

AEW Revolution: Chris Jericho vs. Eddie Kingston Result

Eddie Kingston finally wins the big one.

Eddie Kingston defeated Chris Jericho in the opening match at AEW Revolution, doing it in impressive fashion by making Jericho tap out after a hard-hitting battle.

Eddie Kingston ultimately won by making Jericho tap to the Stretch Plum, but the match wasn’t without controversy as Jericho refused to shake Kingston’s hand and walked out.

Check out a recap from our live coverage page below:

Chris Jericho vs. Eddie Kingston

After Jericho’s entrance, Kingston charges the ring and dumps him on his head with a suplex. Jericho gains the upper hand as the fight spills out of the ring. Both men trade stiff blows. Kingston plants Jericho with a DDT and proceeds to bite him. “The Influencer” blasts Kingston with some lariats and gouges his eyes.

Kingston bites him again, but Jericho goes to his eyes once more. A hurricanrana sends Kingston crashing down. “The Mad King” fires back with a suplex. Jericho plants Kingston with a suplex off the apron, sending both men crashing to the floor.

The former world champion maintains the advantage with a German suplex and a Lionsault. Kingston rallies with a lariat, but Jericho traps him in the Walls of Jericho until he reaches the ropes. “The Mad King” suplexes Jericho twice and gets a near fall with the Spinning Back Fist.

Jericho catches Kingston with the Codebreaker out of nowhere. Kingston refuses to stay down, and “The Influencer” drops him with another Codebreaker. “The Mad King” hits two more spinning back fists and forces Jericho to tap out to the Stretch Plum.

Winner: Eddie Kingston

After the match, Kingston says he respects Jericho and tells him to shake his hand. The former world champion refuses and walks away.


Read More: AEW Revolution Results (3/6/22)


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