WWE NXT Live Results
Photo Credit / Layout: Bill Pritchard

WWE NXT Results (11/21): Keith Lee In Action, Nikki Cross Must Answer To Candace LeRae, The Fallout From Takeover WarGames, More

WWE NXT Results 
November 21st, 2018
Report by Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

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Keith Lee vs Fidel Bravo

Lee backs Fidel into the corner. Lee poses in Fidel’s face. Fidel slaps Lee. Lee obliterates Fidel with a right hand. Lee blast Fidel with a double slap in the corner. Crossbody block by Lee. Lee hits the Super Nova for the win.

Winner- Keith Lee

Lars Sullivan vs Keto Murray

Sullivan runs over Murray. Sullivan slams Murray then hits a basement lariat. Sullivan hits the Freak Accident for the win.

Winner- Lars Sullivan

After the match, Sullivan says let that serve as a warning. This is going to keep happening until Sullivan gets an NXT Championship match. Sullivan crossfaces Murray. Sullivan sets up another Freak Accident but Keith Lee hits the ring. Lee pounces Sullivan so hard Sullivan is sent sailing to the ringside area.

Backstage, Lee confronts Sullivan but they are kept apart by various referees and officials.

Nikki Cross vs Candie LeRae

Cross rocks back and forth in the corner as LeRae tries to square up. Cross pushes LeRae. LeRae pushes Cross. Cross misses a crossbody. Cross trips LeRae on the apron. Cross pins LeRae against the ring and the ring skirt. Cross unloads on LeRae. Cross tries to send LeRae back into the ring but LeRae kicks Cross in the face. LeRae hits a knee off the apron. Shotgun dropkick by LeRae. Cross splashes LeRae in the corner. LeRae reverses Cross’ bulldog attempt. Running neck snap by LeRae. LeRae steps up Cross’ back and hits a falling senton. Cross kicks out.

LeRae hits the unprettier. LeRae misses the Cabrada. Cross destroys LeRae with the Purge. LeRae kicks out. Cross puts LeRae on the top rope. LeRae tries a sunset flip powerbomb but Cross holds on to the top rope. LeRae hits an avalanche German suplex for a near fall. Cross mocks LeRae. LeRae pushes Cross into the corner and unleashes a flurry of strikes. LeRae curb stomps Cross. LeRae puts Cross in the Gargano Escape. Cross gets to the ropes but LeRae refuses to release the hold. LeRae finally lets go. Cross hits a hangman’s twisting neck breaker for the win.

Winner- Nikki Cross

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