NJPW Destruction In Beppu Results (9/17) Naito/Suzuki

NJPW Destruction In Beppu Results (9/17) Live In Progress
Photo Credit: AXS TV

Show is available on NJPWWorld.com

FIRST MATCH: Yota Tsuji & Ten-cozy (Hiroyoshi Tenzan & Satoshi Kojima) vs. Yuya Uemura, Yuji Nagata & Manabu Nakanishi

Tenzan and Nakanishi start the match. They lock up. Tenzan gets Nakanishi on the ropes and they break. Tenzan hits Mongolian Chops. They trade shoulder tackles. Nakanishi drops Tenzan with a shoulder tackle. Nakanishi clears the apron. Nakanishi hits a lariat. Kojima runs in and eats a lariat. Nakanishi hits a double shoulder tackle for two.

Uemura tags in. Tsuji tags in. They trade blows. They chop away on each other’s chests. Tsuji hits a shoulder tackle for two. Tenzan tags in.

Tenzan hits a headbutt. Tenzan hits a headbutt. Tenzan hits Mongolian Chops. Tenzan covers for two. Tenzan covers for two.

Tenzan hits a headbutt. Tenzan hits a spinning heel kick. Tenzan covers but Nakanishi breaks up the pinfall.

Tenzan maintains dominance over Uemura. Kojima clears the apron. Ten-cozy double team Uemura. Tenzan covers for two.

Kojima tags in. Kojima hits a neckbreaker. Kojima corners Uemura. Kojima hits Machine Gun Chops. Kojima hits a corner forearm. Kojima hits a diving elbow drop but Nagata breaks up the pinfall.

Uemura chops away on Kojima. Kojima staggers Uemura with a forearm. Uemura hits a dropkick. Nagata tags in.

Nagata hits stiff mid kicks. Nagata hits a Yakuza Kick. Kojima blocks an Exploder Suplex. Nagata locks in a Fujiwara Armbar but Tenzan breaks up the submission.

Nagata blocks a 3D. Kojima hits a Cutter. Tsuji tags in.

Tsuji clears the apron. Everyone beats up Nagata. Uemura hits a dropkick. Uemura locks in a Boston Crab. Nagata powers out of the hold.

Both men trade forearms. Nagata hits a knee to the gut. Nagata hits an Exploder. Nagata locks in Nagata Lock II. Tsuji taps.

WINNERS: Yuji Nagata, Manabu Nakanishi & Yuya Uemura