WWE NXT Live Results
Photo Credit / Layout: Bill Pritchard

WWE NXT Results (9/12): Tommaso Ciampa Returns, Bianca Belair Battles Nikki Cross, More

WWE NXT Results 
September 12th, 2018
Report by Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

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9/8 NXT Live Event Results From Warren, OH: RAW Superstar In Action. Read more here.

WWE NXT Results (9/5): The Forgotten Sons Debut, Johnny Gargano Battles Velveteen Dream. Read more here.

Oney Lorcan and Danny Burch vs Cezar Bononi Adrian Jaoude

Bononi and Burch start the match. Burch lands a few strikes. Burch blast Bononi with a head but. Burch lands a missile dropkick off the top. Lorcan and Burch double suplex Bononi. Jaoude tags and puts Burch in an armbar. Jaoude puts Burch in a judo armbar. Jaoude tosses Burch into his corner. Bononi and Jaoude take turns working over Burch. Burch tags in Lorcan, who clears the ring. Lorcan lands a double running neck breaker. Lorcan and Burch hit an elevated impact DDT for the win.

Winners- Oney Lorcan and Danny Burch

In Ring Segment: NXT Champion Tommaso Ciampa

Ciampa says his new music is a personal message to everyone. It’s his way of saying in a polite way that they suck. For the last month, Ciampa has heard the whispers. Everyone says it was Ciampa who took out Black. When Ciampa wants to confront someone or attack someone he does it on the biggest stage ever. Ciampa isn’t going to lie to us because the champ never lies. Ciampa was going to take out Black before Takeover Brooklyn but someone beat Ciampa to the punch. Ciampa doesn’t know who did it but if he did he would tell them job well done. Even is Black was at Takeover the facts would remain the same. Ciampa wins. Ciampa says the title has something it wants him to say to the crowd. The title thanks Ciampa for bringing it back to the main event. Ciampa says if you want to be a winner or champion, follow the lead of Tommaso Ciampa.