Corey Graves On People Suffering Addiction
WWE commentator Corey Graves put out a thoughtful message highlighting the trouble that people suffering from addiction undergo, encouraging people not to pass judgement on them blindly.
Before you pass judgement on someone’s addiction, try to ask yourself first, WHY they were addicted.
More often than not, the reason isn’t because partying is fun.
— Corey Graves (@WWEGraves) September 7, 2018
Related: Corey Graves Talks ‘The Magic’ Of Calling The Shield’s Reunion, All Five Of The Usos’ Championship Wins (Video)
Matt Hardy With A Dash Of Broken Brilliance
Matt Hardy disseminated a little bit of his Broken Brilliance on Twitter, with an inspirational message on how to navigate through ‘unsatisfactory situation(s)’.
You can either complain & whine about a current, unsatisfactory situation you are in..
OR you can take action & do the work needed to CHANGE & ENHANCE that said situation.
— MATT HARDY (@MATTHARDYBRAND) September 7, 2018