Backstage, someone hands Jay Lethal a pair of Macho Man Glasses. Lethal looks annoyed. Whoever it was slapped Lethal on the back and Lethal Macho’s up.
ROH World Championship Match: Jay Lethal (c) vs Flip Gordon w/Brandi Rhodes
Lethal comes out to the Macho Man’s music wearing Macho’s gear with the Genius Leaping Lanny Poffo. Lethal and Gordon do the Mega Power handshake for the Code of Honor. Lethal leaps out of the ring and grabs Brandi by the hand. Lethal brings Brandi to his corner and tells her she needs to stand there. Arm drag by Gordon. Gordon floors Lethal with multiple shoulder blocks. Lethal sends Gordon over the top. Gordon skins the cat to get back in the ring. Lethal clotheslines Gordon back to the outside. Brandi is checking on Gordon. Lethal chases Brandi into the ring. Brandi tells Lethal to leave him alone. Lethal lifts Brandi on his shoulder. Brandi slaps Lethal on the shoulder. Lethal snaps out of it and is confused as to why he is wearing the Macho gear. Lethal misses a basement dropkick. Gordon lands one of his own, followed by a moonsault.
Gordon does multiple kip ups to avoid Lethal. Gordon dumps Lethal to the outside. Suicide dive by Gordon. Gordon goes back into the ring and lands a senton over the top. Gordon sends Lethal back into the ring. Gordon crushes Lethal with a splash for a near fall. Gordon and Lethal keep trying to back suplex each other but each man keeps landing on their feet. Gordon and Lethal trade pin attempts. Pump kick by Lethal. Gordon standing moonsault onto Lethal’s back. Lethal rolls out to the apron. Gordon and Lethal trade strikes. Gordon manages to sidekick Lethal. Gordon misses a 450 splash. Lethal gets a near fall after the Lethal Combination. Lethal calls for the Lethal Injection. Gordon counters into a high knee followed by the Falcon Arrow! Lethal kicks out. Gordon tries a springboard. Lethal catches Gordon in midair and hits an inverted DVD. Poffo gets on the apron and tells Lethal to go for the elbow. Poffo slaps Lethal on the shoulder.
Lethal hits three elbow drops off the top. Gordon kicks out and does the Hogan fire up. Gordon lands multiple right hands and a big boot. Gordon calls for the leg drop. Lethal avoids it. Gordon hits the star-spangled sling blade! Samoan pop by Gordon. Gordon crushes Lethal with a sky twister press. Lethal kicks out. Gordon puts Lethal on the top rope. Gordon tries a top rope rana. Lethal dumps Gordon out to the apron to escape. Gordon leaps up top for a springboard. Lethal grabs Gordon and hits a cutter off the top. Lethal hits the Lethal Injection for the win!
Winner and STILL ROH Champion, Jay Lethal!
After the match, Lethal shakes Gordon’s hand. Gordon and Lethal hug. Bully Ray runs down to the ring and attacks Gordon and Lethal. Ray hits Gordon with a chain over and over again. Poffo gets in the ring and squares up with Ray. Ray backs away and kicks Poffo in the nuts. Ray sets up a table. Cabana runs down to the ring and spears Ray. Cabana, Gordon, and Lethal Cerberus Bomb Ray through the table.
Up next: @TheFlipGordon (w/ @TheBrandiRhodes) vs. ROH Champ "Black Machismo" @TheLethalJay (w/ @LannyPoffo) #ALLIN
— WrestleZone (@WRESTLEZONEcom) September 2, 2018