AEW Double Or Nothing Live Results

AEW Double Or Nothing Live Results (5/25/19)

May 25, 2019
Report by Lovell Porter for

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The Buy In

The Casino Battle Royal

The club group starts the battle Royal off. MJF starts the match stomping Dustin Thomas in the corner. Brandon Cutler pulls MJF off Thomas. MJF turns the tables and stomps Cutler. Nakazawa is about to be suplexed, but Nakazawa pours baby oil all over himself. Sunny runs over Nakazawa. Cutler is thrown over the top, but Cutler holds onto the top rope. The next group up are the diamonds. Brian Pillman Jr, Jimmy Havoc and Joey Janella. Hit the ring. Havoc and Janella suplex Pillman on the ramp. Shawn Spears walks out on the ramp. Spears gets in the ring and hits MJF with the Ushigoroshi. The Heart group is next, which includes Glacier, Billy Gunn, and others. Nakazawa is knocked over the top. Glacier mist Daze in the face. Janella lights a cigarette, which Havoc puts out on Janella’s forehead. Jungle lands a nasty ranna on Janella. The Spade group is next. That group includes Tommy Dreamer and Sonny Kiss. Ace Romero takes out half the field with a suicide dive. Dreamer brings a trash can full of weapons to the ring. Dreamer lands an ace crusher. Luchasaurus hits Private Party with a double chokeslam. The Joker is up next. Hangman Page drew the Joker! Page hits the ring and is a house of fire. Janella and Page go nose to nose. Janella and Page unload on each other. Page obliterates Janella with the Deadeye.

Romero pounces Stunt out of the ring. Jungle Boy attacks Romero from behind. Jungle Boy pushes Romero over the top! Thomas hits a 619 on Janella. Thomas springboard 450 splashes Janella. MJF superkicks Thomas. Spears tries to help Thomas but Thomas pulls Spears over the top rope. Gunn hits the Famesser. Gunn and Dreamer are both tosses out by MJF. Luchasaurus chokeslams Janella over the top through a table. Kiss butt bumps Dreamer. Dreamer pushes Kiss over the top rope. Orange Cassidy “kicks” Dreamer. Dreamer looks totally confused. Dreamer tosses Cassidy out. Havoc staples Dreamer’s buts. Dreamer is tossed out. The final four are MJF, Page, Luchasaurus, and Havoc. Everyone gangs up on MJF. MJF rolls under the bottom rope. Havoc gets booted off the apron by Luchasaurus. Page dumps out Luchasaurus. MJF runs up behind Page and throws him over the top rope. Page holds on to the ropes as MJF celebrates. Page hits the buckshot lariat. Page sends MJF out to the floor for the win!

Winner- Hangman Adam Page

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