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NWA Championship Match: Nick Aldis (c) vs Cody w/Brandi Rhodes

Cody comes to the ring with a full entourage that includes Tommy Dreamer, DDP, and various others (including Cody’s dog Pharoah). Aldis comes to the ring with Jeff Jarrett and others. The crowd goes nuts as the bell rings. Cody and Aldis shake hands. Cody forces Aldis into the corner. Cody does a cartwheel to taunt Aldis. Aldis lays on the top rope and waits for Cody. Cody and Aldis lock up. Aldis and Cody trade submission attempts. Aldis drops Cody with a shoulder block. Cody and Aldis trade chops. Cody sends Aldis to the outside. Cody hits a topé suicida. Cody tries a suplex on the floor. Aldis counters and suplexes Cody out on the floor. Aldis drives Cody into the ring post. Aldis lights Cody up with a few chops. Fisherman’s suplex for a near fall by Aldis. Cody and Aldis clock heads. Cody drops down and punches Aldis in the face. Aldis and Cody clothesline each other at the same time. Superkick by Cody. Cody tries Cross Rhodes.

Aldis escapes. Aldis and Cody both try a cross body at the same time. Aldis rolls out of the ring. Cody tries a springboard splash off the top. Aldis gets an elbow up. Cody is out on the floor. Referee Earl Hebner check on Cody. Hebner tells Aldis that Cody can’t continue. DDP runs down to the ring. Cody slowly gets back to his feet. Shawn Davari comes down and says this is a title match and has to continue. Davari pushes DDP. Davari gets in the referees face. DDP hits the ring and Diamond Cutters Davari. Cody’s face is covered in blood. Aldis punches Cody in the head over and over again. Cody surprises Aldis with a power slam for a near fall. Cody misses a moonsault off the top. Aldis hits a fallaway slam off the top! Aldis goes up top. Aldis hits a splash off the top. Cody kicks out.

Cody double legs Aldis and locks in a figure four. Aldis rolls Cody over on his stomach to reverse the pressure. Cody gets to the ropes to break the hold. Cody rolls out of the ring. Aldis tries a PK. Cody trips Aldis on the apron. Aldis picks up Cody and Bulldog Slams him on the floor! Aldis rolls back into the ring and tells the referee to count. Cody sets up an Alabama Slam. Cody drops Aldis because he can’t handle the weight with his bad back. Cody picks Aldis up and hits the Alabama Slam. Cody misses the Disaster Kick. Powerbomb by Aldis. Cody kicks out. Aldis puts Cody in the Cloverleaf. Cody struggles and finally gets to the ropes. Brandi tells Cody he doesn’t have to do this. Aldis pulls Cody away from Brandi and hits a Piledriver. Brandi gets in the ring and asks Aldisto stop. Aldis goes up top and dives off for an elbow drop. Brandi covers Cody to protect him. Aldis drops the elbow on Brandi. Aldis pins Cody. Cody kicks out. Cody hits the Disaster Kick followed by Cross Rhodes! Aldis kicks out! Aldis and Cody trade punches. Cody tries to hit the vertabreaker. Aldis escapes. Aldis tries a sunset flip. Cody sits out into a pin and gets the three count!

Winner and NEW NWA Champion, Cody!