All In Results (9/1): New Champion Crowned, Chris Jericho Attacks, Joey Ryan Returns, Golden Elite Battle Fenix, Mysterio, and Bendido, More

All In Main Card

MJF vs Matt Cross

MJF floors Cross with a shoulder tackle. MJF plays to the crowd. Cross does a backflip and lands on his feet. MJF says that was great and shakes Cross’ hand. MJF attack Cross. MJF dumps Cross to the outside. MJF sets up a dive. MJF doesn’t dive, he yells at the crowd that he doesn’t have to dive to get over. Cross dumps MJF out of the ring. Cartwheel senton to the outside onto MJF. MJF uses the referee as a shield, then sends Cross into the ring post. MJF steps on Cross’ arm. MJF works over Cross’ arm and shoulder. MJF hits a gut wrench powerbomb with Cross’ arm trapped under him. MJF puts Cross on the top rope. Cross fights out of it. Cross hits a springboard ranna off the top.

Handspring splash by Cross. Cross followed that up with a springboard splash for a near fall. Cross runs into a back elbow. MJF hits a double stomp to Cross’ arm. MJF drops Cross in a package shoulder breaker. Cross kicks out. Cross and MJF trade strikes. MJF pokes Cross in the eye. Casadora with a double stomp by Cross. Cross gets a near fall. Before Cross can get up, MJF puts Cross in an arm breaker. Cross turns it into a pin. MJF kicks out. MJF hits a pendulum piledriver! Cross kicks out. MJF goes up top and misses moonsault. Rebound cutter but Cross. Cross goes up to and hits a shooting star press for the win!

Winner- Matt Cross


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