wwe summerslam
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WWE SummerSlam Results (8/19): New Champions Crowned, Did Braun Strowman Cash In? More

Smackdown Tag Team Championship: The Bludgeon Brothers (c) vs The New Day 

Woods kicks Rowen in the gut. Rowen responds with a spin kick. Harper tags in and floors Woods with a big boot. Woods kicks out. Gator roll by Harper. Woods gets to his feet. Harper blast Woods with a dropkick. Harper and Rowen take turns working over Woods. Harper and Rowen knock Big E. off the apron. Rowen slams Harper on top of Big E. Harper and Rowen set up the ring steps. Rowen tries to powerbomb Woods onto the steps. Woods escapes. Harper tries to powerbomb Woods on the steps. Woods hurricanaranas Harper into the ring steps. Woods tags in Big E. Big drops down and belly-to-belly suplexes Rowen out on the floor. Harper dives off the apron into a belly-to-belly by Big E. Big E. sets up the Big Ending. Harper reverses it into a sit-out bomb. Woods dives onto Rowen.

Harper hits the Boss Man Slam out on the floor on Woods. Big E. spears Harper through the ropes. Rowen dives off the apron into Big E. Rowen and Harper land double crucifix bomb. Woods breaks up the pin. Harper and Rowen land an assisted powerbomb on Woods. Woods kicks out. Rowen attacks Kingston on the outside. Big E. hits the Big Ending on the floor on Rowen. Big E. and Woods hit the uranage/backstabber combo off the apron! Woods sets up the Limit Breaker. Harper rolls out of the ring to the floor. Woods hits the Limit Breaker off the top out to the floor! Big E. and Woods set up the Up UpDownDown. Rowen hits Woods with a mallet to cause the disqualification.

Winners- The New Day

Money in the Bank Contract Match: Braun Strowman vs Kevin Owens (If Strowman Loses in Any Capacity Owens Wins The Contract)

As soon as the bell rings Strowman splashes Owens in the corner. Strowman hits another splash. Strowman tries again but Owens rolls out of the ring. Strowman runs over Owens, twice, on the outside. Owens rolls out of the ring again. Owens superkicks Strowman. Strowman shrugs it off and chokeslams Owens on the ramp. Owens can’t get to his feet. Strowman hits the running power slam for the win!

Winner: Braun Strowman

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