wwe summerslam
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WWE SummerSlam Results (8/19): New Champions Crowned, Did Braun Strowman Cash In? More

Raw Tag Team Championship Match: The B-Team (c) vs The Revival

Dallas takes Dawson down with a headlock. After a distraction by Dawson Wilder takes Dallas over with a dragon screw. Axel runs into the ring but the Revival crash him with the Shatter Machine. Assisted dropkick by the Revival. Dawson and Wolder take turns working over Dallas’ injured leg. Dallas surprises Wilder with a swinging hangman’s neck breaker. Axel gets the tag and clears the ring. Dawson puts Axel in a small package. Dallas accidentally backs into them and reverses the small package. Axel gets the three count.

Winners and STILL Raw Tag Team Champions, The B-Team

Main Card: 

Intercontinental Championship Match: Dolph Ziggler (c) w/Drew McIntyre vs Seth Rollins w/Dean Ambrose

Rollins and Ziggler trade headlocks. Ziggler forces Rollins into the ropes. McIntyre stares at Rollins. Ambrose gets in McIntyre’s face. McIntyre backs away. Ziggler misses a superkick. Ziggler slithers out of the ring to avoid Rollins assault. Ziggler kicks Rollins in the gut. Ziggler lays into Rollins with lefts and rights. Hip Toss by Rollins. Rollins sets up the Revolution Knee but Ziggler avoids it and rolls out of the ring. Rollins follows. McIntyre gets in Rollins’ face again. Ambrose gets in Ziggler’s face.  Rollins sends Ziggler back into the ring. Clothesline by Rollins. Ziggler kicks the rope into Rollins’ knee as he is getting in the ring. Rollins tries to fire up but Ziggler kicks Rollins in the knee. Ziggler sends Rollins into the corner hard. Rollins tumbles to the outside. Ambrose cuts off McIntyre before he can get near Rollins. McIntyre backs off again. Ziggler puts Rollins in a chicken wing. Rollins gets to his feet. Ziggler sends Rollins flying over the top rope. Rollins lands hard on the floor. Ziggler sends Rollins back into the ring. Ziggler goes up top. Ziggler tries a crossbody but Rollins rolls through and lifts Ziggler into a suplex. Rollins and Ziggler fall over the top rope. Rollins lands a sling blade. Rollins lands multiple elbows int he corner. Ziggler rolls Rollins into a small package. Rollins kicks out. Blockbuster by Rollins. Ziggler kicks out.

Rollins goes up top but Ziggler crotches him on the top turnbuckle. Ziggler tries a superplex. Rollins headbutts Ziggler off the top. Ziggler rolls to the other side of the ring. Rollins clotheslines Ziggler over the top rope. Suicide dive by Rollins. Revolution knee by Rolling for a near fall. Rollins tries a buckle bomb. Ziggler tries to punch his way out of it. Ziggler slips into a sleeper hold. Rollins shrugs Ziggler off. Rollins and Ziggler fight on the apron. Ziggler kicks Rollins into the ring post. Ziggler DDT Rollins on the apron. Rollins kicks out. Ziggler tries the ZigZag. Rollins hooks the ropes and hits a superkick. Rollins dives off the top for a frog splash. Ziggler gets his knees up. Rollins kicks out. Ziggler tries a fameasser. Rollins avoids it and sends Ziggler into the ring post. Rollins hits a reverse gourd buster off the top rope. Rollins rolls into a spinning reverse DDT! Ziggler kicks out! Rollins calls for the Stomp. McIntyre whips Ambrose into the ring steps! Rollins misses the stomp. Ziggler hits the ZigZag. Rollins kicks out! Rollins’head is bleeding. McIntyre gets on the apron. Ambrose pulls McIntyre off the apron and hits Dirty Deeds. Rollins superkicks Ziggler then hits the Stomp for the win!

Winner and NEW Intercontinental Champion, Seth Rollins!

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